
作詞:井上苑子・YUZURU KUSUGO・柴山慧
作曲:井上苑子・YUZURU KUSUGO・柴山慧



夢を見たい なりたい 知りたい まだ知らない
消えないように書いた Magic
ここにいたい 行きたい 精一杯 ゆるい期待

超長い坂 初恋だった 犬顔 甘いフェイスに溺れた
間違った言葉正した 6歳の私が好きな彼5歳
変わっていくシルエット 変わらないピンクのサンセット


夢を見たい なりたい 知りたい まだ知らない
消えないように書いた Magic
ここにいたい 行きたい 精一杯 ゆるい期待
枯れない心に Magic
消えないようにかける Magic

ano yama de ma ti a wase
sou ie ba mou na i kke
二 gou sen ko e te dai nessyou de umi he
mozaiku hissu no omo i de
panda to kiiro i korokke
matizyuu ga yuuenti mitai 15 zi zen

aka i no-to no hyousi no rakuga ki no
sono tuzu ki wo hazi meyo u
akubi si tyau mae ni

yume wo mi tai   nari tai   si ri tai   mada si ra nai
ki e nai you ni ka i ta Magic
koko ni itai   i ki tai   seiippai   yurui kitai
attoiu ma ni hika ru mati

tyou naga i saka   hatukoi daxtu ta   inu kao   ama i feisu ni obo re ta
matiga xtu ta kotoba tada si ta   6 sai no watasi ga su ki na kare 5 sai
ka waxtu te iku siruetto   ka wara nai pinku no sansetto
nami ni yu reru hune ha namida moyou

ima dake ha mou suko si konomama de
dou ka hitori o i te ika nai de
suro- na mainiti to watasi to kanransya
sonna tenpo de mawa re tara
akubi si tyau mae ni

yume wo mi tai   nari tai   si ri tai   mada si ra nai
ki e nai you ni ka i ta Magic
koko ni itai   i ki tai   seiippai   yurui kitai
rakuga ki de ega i ta mirai
nando datte na i te wara xtu te ku ri kae si te
ka re nai kokoro ni Magic
kono basyo de uta xtu te kana e te yume wo mi te
attoiu ma ni hika ru mati
ki e nai you ni kakeru Magic

Meet me on that mountain
So it's gone
Cross the second line and cheer for the sea.
The necessary memories of mosaic
Panda and yellow fried meat pie
The whole city is like an amusement park before 15 o'clock.

Graffiti on the cover of a red notebook
Let's start that procedure
Before I yawn

Want to dream? Do you know yet?
Magic written in order not to disappear
I want to stay here, I want to go, and I am looking forward to relaxing.
Streets that glow in an instant

A dog's face, a sweet face, who is addicted to the first love of Super Long Sakaguchi.
I like to correct the wrong language at the age of 6. He is 5 years old.
Changing silhouette, constant pink sunset
There are tears on the ship that bumps in the waves.

Now, go on like this.
Please don't leave me alone.
Every leisurely day, me and the Ferris wheel.
If you can rotate at that rhythm.
Before I yawn

Want to dream? Do you know yet?
Magic written in order not to disappear
I want to stay here, I want to go, and I am looking forward to relaxing.
The future depicted by graffiti
No matter how many times, cry and laugh and repeat.
A heart that never withers
Sing in this place to realize your dream.
Streets that glow in an instant
A magazine that hangs in order not to disappear.

[] 関連歌詞: