



せわしなきこと乱気流の如しです 味濃いめ 大盛り
麺カタ 情報過多の発祥店
鎮座ましますこと峨峨たる如しです インスパイア系

唯一無二 再現不可能でこそのオリジナル



なんせ なんせ なんせ 私ら
元祖でして本家でしてパイオニア このへん界隈の頓
皆伝統継承おつかれさんご苦労さん 返礼申す このお
専売特許 パテントのお手本見な そりゃ皆声に出して
無類の強者のあなたも 唸らしてみせます この必殺の


懐の広さ大草原の如しです 一点の曇りもないこの元
驚天動地の様 イカズチの如しです ブレたってズレ
創世記からムードメイカー ゲームメイカー

総本山の老舗に寄っていきな ほんでお気に召すまま
またのご来店お待ちしてます 再訪時は歓迎します
やかましい 忙しい この上ない ちゃんと真の髄の真
いつだってど真ん中直球 全身全霊表現中 このハイカ

(元祖)誇り高き屋号 それが “でんぱ組.inc”


元祖でして本家でしてパイオニア このへん界隈の頓
皆伝統継承おつかれさん ご苦労さん 返礼申す この
専売特許 パテントのお手本見な そりゃ皆声に出して
無類の強者のあなたも 唸らしてみせます この必殺の
毎度ご贔屓 毎度ご贔屓

進化や退化や再起やら 繰り返した上での誇り



maido go hiiki arigatou gozaimasu

( Hi ! Hi ! ) ganso ! denpa ! 一 tyou !
( Hi ! Hi ! ) gaxtu pe syoubai hanzyou !
( Hi ! Hi ! ) ganso ! denpa ! 一 tyou !
( Hi ! Hi ! ) gaxtu pe syoubai hanzyou !

sewasinaki koto rankiryuu no goto si desu azi ko ime oomo ri
men kata zyouhou kata no hassyou ten
tinza masimasu koto gaga taru goto si desu insupaia kei
mo ippai kaiten syoubai hanzyou desu

tayuma nu torai ando era- no seika
akina i 3 nen de isi ni ya ta tu
yuiitumuni saigen hukanou de koso no orizinaru

kenkyuu ni kenkyuu wo kasa ne ta mo e to emo no tyouwa ( ganso )
nani to mo i e nu tatoe you no nai kono syokkan to iromi ( ganso )
wareware ni sika ayatu ru koto no deki nai hiden no komando ha heta
ni sawa ru to bagu o kiru wa yo ( ganso )

nani hatomoare ripi tte ripu tte riakusyon kure te a
ri ga tou gozai ma- su
minasama no higoro yori no go aiko ni kokoro kara kansya mou si a ge ma- su
hurantyaizu ya norenwa ke ni kan si te ha u ke tu ke te ori
mase n to i u ka sude ni hitode ga ta ri te mase n

nanse nanse nanse watasi ra
ganso desi te honke desi te paionia konohen kaiwai no hitaburu
tin kara no u mino oya
mina dentou keisyou otukare san go kurou san henrei mou su kono o
tokui no maku si ta te ririkku de ( doyaxa )
senbaitokkyo patento no o tehon mi na sorya mina koe ni da si te
i u ssyo 「 kandou si ta 」
murui no kyousya no anata mo una ra si te mise masu kono hissatu no
yona nu ki merodhi- de
mina ganso ni honke ni tui te ko re masu kaxa ?
maido go hiiki arigatou gozaimasu

( Hi ! Hi ! ) ganso ! denpa ! 一 tyou !
( Hi ! Hi ! ) gaxtu pe syoubai hanzyou !
( Hi ! Hi ! ) ganso ! denpa ! 一 tyou !
( Hi ! Hi ! ) gaxtu pe syoubai hanzyou !

hutokoro no hiro sa dai sougen no goto si desu 一 ten no kumo ri mo nai kono moto
so no azi wai wo douzo
kyoutendouti no you ikazuti no goto si desu bure ta tte zure
taxtu te nenzyuu kaiten tyuu
souseiki kara mu-do meika- ge-mu meika-
hatamata toraburu meika- si te masu
a kunaki tankyuu ni sei wo da su mainiti yoru

tyoito kokoira de
souhonzan no sinise ni yo xtu te iki na hon de o ki ni me su mama
ni saa azi wai na
matano go raiten o ma ti si te masu saihou zi ha kangei si masu
tyoito naname zyou no ma i odo ride ( doyaxa )
yakamasii isoga sii kono ue nai tyanto sin no zui no sin
kottyou wo sikato mi na
itu datte do ma n naka tyokkyuu zensinzenrei hyougen tyuu kono haika
ra de koiki na o me si mono de
sorya tyotto ya sotto zya o i ko se ha si na ixtu
syo xo ?
nanse watasi ra ganso de gozai masu

sutoppu & go-
( ganso ) nenki hai xtu te nai to tyotto kakkou tuki nikui
( ganso ) soso i de ta si te tuini tado ri tu i ta kono azi
( ganso ) siro wo kama e repuri zento si teru kono mati
( ganso ) hoko ri taka ki yagou sore ga " denpa gumi . inc "

ahu re de te tu me ko mi sugi ta oto to kotodama
kono omo i ga ten ni todo ku you ni da su hai to-n
daizi ni soda te ta kono hyougen wo bunka to yo bu nara ba
mo haya anata tati mo watasi tati no itibu desu
tumari watasi tati ga honke honmoto xtu

ganso desi te honke desi te paionia konohen kaiwai no hitaburu
tin kara no u mino oya
mina dentou keisyou otukare san go kurou san henrei mou su kono
o tokui no maku si ta te ririkku de ( doyaxa )
senbaitokkyo patento no o tehon mi na sorya mina koe ni da si te
i u ssyo 「 kandou si ta 」
murui no kyousya no anata mo una ra si te mise masu kono hissatu no
yona nu ki merodhi- de
mina ganso ni honke ni tui te ko re masu kaxa ?
maido go hiiki maido go hiiki
maido go hiiki arigatou gozaimasu

omo i mo nega i mo yado si te taku si ta 2060 hun onpu no ha-moni-
sinka ya taika ya saiki yara ku ri kae si ta ue de no hoko ri

( Hi ! Hi ! ) ganso ! denpa ! 一 tyou !
( Hi ! Hi ! ) gaxtu pe syoubai hanzyou !
( Hi ! Hi ! ) ganso ! denpa ! 一 tyou !
( Hi ! Hi ! ) gaxtu pe syoubai hanzyou !

kongo mo go hiiki douzo o nega i si masu

Thank you for your patronage.

(hi! Hi! ) the originator! Telephone! Yiding!
(hi! Hi! ) business is booming!
(hi! Hi! ) the originator! Phone! Yiding!
(hi! Hi! ) business is booming!

It's like a flurry of air. It's very strong and heavy.
Faxiang branch with too much noodle information
Sit on a pedestal, imperialists
There are also many shops that have a thriving business.

Unremitting triaxial error results
At the age of three, he became the target of public criticism.
Unique and unrepeatable is original.

Repeated research on the harmony between sprout and peach (originator)
Unspeakable even useless touch and tone (originator)
The secret command that only we can operate is terrible.
If you touch it, bedbugs will occur (originator)

Anyway, say it again, say it again, say it again, give me a reaction.
thank you
I sincerely thank you for your usual patronage.
We don't accept franchising and split accounts.
Or there are not enough people.

After all, after all, we
He is the ancestor, his family, and a pioneer in this area.
Born parents
Everyone has worked hard to inherit the tradition. Thank you for your hard work.
Proud teasing (door)
If you want to set an example of monopolizing patents, everyone should speak up.
Go ahead. "I'm touched."
Let me have a look at you who are incomparably strong. This one will be killed.
With a melody without Jonah
Can everyone follow the ancestor to our home?
Thank you for your patronage.

(hi! Hi! ) the originator! Phone! Yiding!
(hi! Hi! ) business is booming!
(hi! Hi! ) the originator! Phone! Yiding!
(hi! Hi! ) business is booming!

Broad-minded, like a prairie. There is not a trace of gloom in this land.
Please taste the flavor of the motherland.
Earth-shattering and so on, it's in a mess, misplaced
It is open all year round.
From Genesis to Atmosphere Maker Game Maker
He is in trouble again.
I devote myself to exploring every night.

Wait here.
By the way, I went to the old name of Zongbenshan and liked it very much.
Come on, have a taste
I look forward to your next visit. Welcome to come again next time.
It's a bit like a dance (door) on a slug
Too busy, couldn't be better, it's the essence.
Don't stare.
At any time, this straight ball is a performance of heart and soul.
Very fashionable food made with lesbians.
Then you won't overtake if you are a little gentle.
After all, it is our ancestor.

Stop & stop
(Yuanzu) It's a little difficult to dress up if you're not old.
(Yuan Zu) Pour it on and add it on, and finally get this smell.
The city where the castle was built as a gift.
(Yuan Zu) Proud house number, that is "electric light group. inc"

Overflow too many voices and words.
Let this idea reach the high notes in the sky.
If this carefully cultivated expression is called culture,
You are already a part of us
That is to say, we are family.

He is the ancestor, his family, and a pioneer in this area.
Born parents
We have inherited the tradition, and we have worked hard. I'm sorry.
Use a handy flip backpack (door)
If you want to set an example of monopolizing patents, everyone should speak up.
Go ahead. "I'm touched."
Let me have a look at you who are incomparably strong. This one will be killed.
With a melody without Jonah
Can everyone follow the ancestor to our home?
Give it away every time
Thank you for your patronage.

The harmony of 2060-minute notes with thoughts and wishes.
Evolution, degradation, comeback, pride after repeated.

(hi! Hi! ) the originator! Phone! Yiding!
(hi! Hi! ) business is booming!
(hi! Hi! ) the originator! Phone! Yiding!
(hi! Hi! ) business is booming!

Please take care of me in the future.

[] 関連歌詞: