


窓を開けた 風はさやか
くちなしのにおい 夢が告げた
心地のよい この場所から 今日
旅に出るの 遠くまで


水は流れ やがて海へ巡ってゆくね
けれど 同じ川の中へ二度は入れない
そう だからこそさ いくんだよ

物語の切れ端を震える 欠片たちを集めたら
微かに光を乗せて 宙に泳がせるよ
いまここから すべてがうまれる

そうだよ楽園は 繋がりあい増えゆくもの
旅路は どうやら まだ続いていくらしい
さあ 次はどこへゆこうか

mado wo hira ke ta   kaze ha sayaka
kutinasi no nioi   yume ga tu ge ta
gokoti no yoi   kono basyo kara   kyou
tabi ni de ru no   too ku made

koko ha saigo no rakuen da yo
hazi mari to o wari no ga-den
i tetui ta mama no eda ha
yagate syukuhuku wo u ke te kae ru
asaya ke ni ino ri wo ko me te aru ki da si tara
tugi ha doko he yuko u ka

mizu ha naga re   yagate umi he megu xtu te yuku ne
keredo   ona zi kawa no naka he 二 do ha i re nai
sou   dakarakoso sa   iku n da yo

soko ha saisyo no rakuen da yo
hazi mari to o wari no ga-den
monogatari no ki re hasi wo huru eru   kakera tati wo atu me tara
kasu ka ni hikari wo no se te   tyuu ni oyo ga seru yo
imakoko kara   subete ga umareru

sou da yo rakuen ha   tuna gari ai hu e yuku mono
donna toko ni i te mo
soko ga rakuen to ki zuke ba ii yo na
tabizi ha   douyara   mada tuzu i te iku rasii
saa   tugi ha doko he yuko u ka
doko he yuko u ka

I opened the window. The wind was blowing softly.
I smelled the palms of the beech trees. My dream told me.
♪ From this comfortable place, today ♪
I'm going on a journey far, far away.

This is the last paradise.
A garden of beginnings and endings
The branches, still frozen
Will soon hatch with a blessing
Praying for the morning sunrise as we walk away
Where shall we go next?

The water flows on and on and on to the sea
But never twice in the same river
That's why I'm here. That's why I'm here.

It's the first paradise
A garden of beginnings and endings
I'll collect the shards of the story that tremble
I'll let them swim in the air with a little light on them
And from here, everything will be born.

Yes, paradise is connected and growing
No matter where you are
I hope you find it there.
The journey continues on, apparently
Now where shall we go next?
Where shall we go?

[] 関連歌詞: