歌手: 草野華余子
kata ku to zasi ta mabuta no oku ni dare ni mo si ra re nu yami ga aru
migi mu ke migi wo yogo sa nu you ni nara xtu te sintai wo sa si da si ta
zin to tiga u to tuba wo kake rare te
hami da su na to kui wo u ti ko ma re te
magi re kata tou e ta kamereon
ita ni tui te ki ta meisai banzen de mamo ru teisai
iwakan ni kizu i te mo kuti ni da su no ha taizai
uma ku nazi me ta desyo u ka uma ku wara e ta desyo u ka
itu no hi ka arinomama de suku wa reru koto wo sin zi te
nibiiro ni ure u doukou ni utu ri ko mu sekai ha kyoku irodori de
sinzitu ( hontou ) no iro nado kiri no naka
tuyo ku nigi xtu ta kobusi no naka ni dare ni mo yuzu re nu yume ga aru
sono tame nara ba nani mo ito wa nai tika i ga noro i ni ka waro u to
hituyou to sa reru gensou ibasyo ga aru dake zyoutou
ano koro ha yo kaxtu ta to omo u koto sura taizai
uma ku nazi me tara seikai uma ku wara e tara seikai
suko sizutu tyakuzitu ni sawari ma re te yodo mu gurade-syon
ixtu sika kokoro made so me rare te
sore demo ta rinai to nu ri kasa ne te
zibun no iro wasu re ta kamereon
donna ni tukuro xtu ta tte donna ni kikaza xtu ta tte
u mara nai mi ta se nai na ku koto sura mo deki nai
dare ka hontou no watasi wo iro wo na kusi ta watasi wo
mou itido da ki si me te sube te yuru si te kure nai ka
nibiiro ni yuga mu kono sekai ni tatazu mu watasi ha ittai dare
suku i nante doko ni mo na kaxtu ta
si n da you ni i kiru yuuutu na kamereon
Behind the tightly closed eyelids, there is a darkness that no one knows.
I turned to the right and offered my body in imitation so as not to defile it
I was spat on for being different
I was staked to stay out of the way
a chameleon who has learned how to blend in
the camouflage that has become the norm, the appearance of protection
it's a mortal sin to speak up when you feel uncomfortable
did I fit in well did I laugh well
Believing that one day I will be saved just as I am
The world reflected in the dull, melancholy pupils of my eyes is a world of extreme colors
The color of truth is in the mist
In my tightly clenched fist, I have a dream that no one can give up
For that, I'll do anything, even if my vow turns into a curse
the illusion of being needed, just to have a place to stay, that's all that matters
It is a mortal sin to even think that those days were good
It's right if I fit in well, it's right if I laugh well
Little by little, steadily touched by the gradient of stagnation
At first even our hearts are dyed
And if that's not enough, you paint over it again and again
A chameleon who has forgotten his own color
No matter how much I mend it, no matter how much I dress it up
I can't fill it up, I can't fill it up, I can't even cry
Will someone hold me again, the real me, the me who has lost my color
Will you hold me again and forgive me for everything?
Who am I that I am standing in this world distorted into a dull color
There was no salvation anywhere
A melancholy chameleon living as if dead