

手探りの この夢で 掴んでいけ自分のペース
大丈夫、道しるべは胸に キラキラ光ってるよ

小さな頃の話 たわいなく浮かぶ思い出でも
そこにいた俺たちが フイに教えてくれる
きっと臆病なりに感じ取った 好きのカケラ
拾いながら大切なもの 繋いでた

必然と呼ぶにはちょっと 気が早いような今日のココロモチ
なのに前向きな足取りが ミョウに実感させて

笑っちゃうね お互いに どうしたって正直で
遠回り近道もない 一本の道だ
応援してる お互いに 進んでいけ自分のコース
太陽を浴びたプールみたい キラキラ光ってるね

誰にでも訪れる 決めなくちゃならないその日に
躊躇わずに大切なもの 繋ぐために

もっと自信を育ててく 毎日を精一杯の俺で
どんな険しい道のりだって 張り合いあるはず

笑っていよう この夢で 俺は俺に全力で
情熱に正面から 挑んでいくよ
手探りの この夢で 掴んでいけ自分のペース
大丈夫、道しるべは胸に キラキラ光ってるよ

見えない水の流れがやけに 急かすように誘い出した世界
これも俺のタイミング ミョウに納得できる

笑っていよう この夢で 後悔なんてしたくない
情熱に正面から 挑んでいくよ
応援してる お互いに 進んでいけ自分のコース
太陽を浴びたプールみたい キラキラ光ってるね

tesagu ri no   kono yume de   tuka n de ike zibun no pe-su
daizyoubu 、 miti sirube ha mune ni   kirakira hika xtu teru yo

tii sana koro no hanasi   tawainaku u kabu omo i de demo
soko ni i ta ore tati ga   hui ni osi e te kureru
kitto okubyou nari ni kan zi to xtu ta   su ki no kakera
hiro i nagara taisetu na mono   tuna i de ta

hituzen to yo bu ni ha tyotto   ki ga haya i you na kyou no kokoro moti
na no ni maemu ki na asido ri ga   myou ni zikkan sa se te

wara xtu tyau ne   o taga ini   dou si ta tte syouziki de
toomawa ri tikamiti mo nai   一 hon no miti da
ouen si teru   o taga ini   susu nde ike zibun no ko-su
taiyou wo a bi ta pu-ru mitai   kirakira hika xtu teru ne

dare ni demo otozu reru   ki me naku tya nara nai sono hi ni
tamera wa zu ni taisetu na mono   tuna gu tame ni

motto zisin wo soda te teku   mainiti wo seiippai no ore de
donna kewa sii miti nori datte   ha ri a i aru hazu

wara xtu te iyo u   kono yume de   ore ha ore ni zenryoku de
zyounetu ni syoumen kara   ido n de iku yo
tesagu ri no   kono yume de   tuka n de ike zibun no pe-su
daizyoubu 、 miti sirube ha mune ni   kirakira hika xtu teru yo

mi e nai mizu no naga re ga yakeni   se kasu you ni saso i da si ta sekai
kore mo ore no taimingu   myou ni nattoku dekiru

wara xtu te iyo u   kono yume de   koukai nante si taku nai
zyounetu ni syoumen kara   ido n de iku yo
ouen si teru   o taga ini   susu nde ike zibun no ko-su
daizyoubu 、 miti sirube ha itumo mune ni
taiyou wo a bi ta pu-ru mitai   kirakira hika xtu teru ne

In this dream that I'm groping for, I'm trying to find my pace
Don't worry, there's a beacon shining in your heart

Even if it's just a story from when I was a little girl or a memory that comes to mind
We who were there can tell you
I'm sure, in my own timid way, I've sensed the fragments of love
I was picking up the pieces and holding on to what was important to me.

Today's feelings seem a little premature to call them inevitable
And yet, your positive steps are making Myo realize it.

We laugh at each other because we're so honest with each other.
No detours, no shortcuts, just one path.
I'm rooting for you, for each other, and for your own course.
You're shining like a pool in the sun.

The day comes when we all have to make a decision.
I'll never hesitate to connect with what's important to me.

I'll grow more confident, and I'll make the most of every day.
No matter how hard the road gets, there's always something to be proud of

I'll keep smiling, with this dream, I'll give it my all
I'll challenge my passion head-on
I'm still groping my way through this dream, take it at your own pace
Don't worry, the signpost is shining brightly in my heart

The world lured me out like an invisible stream of water in a hurry
This is my timing too, Myo can convince me

I'll keep smiling, I don't want to regret this dream
I'll face my passion head on
I'm rooting for you, I'm rooting for you, for each other.
Don't worry, I'll always have a guide in my heart
You're shining like a pool bathed in the sun

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