

もう嫌んなった 単純な話もう嫌んなっちゃったんだ



言えないアイロニー 得意げに

もう嫌んなった 単純な話もう嫌んなっちゃったんだ
もう嫌んなった 単純な話もう嫌んなっちゃったんだ

憂鬱感情劣等感 内容無いよな異様だよね
平熱体温大差ない じゃその違いは一体全体なんなんだ




もう嫌んなった 単純な話もう嫌んなっちゃったんだ
それでも案外 透明なフューチャーは見えないでもないです
もう嫌んなっちゃうくらいさ 鏡に映る僕みたいな君の
傘になって 水滴が鳴らすオーケストラで

mou iya n naxtu ta   tanzyun na hanasi mou iya n naxtu tyaxtu ta n da
zyeri-fissyu ha doku mo xtu ta mama hitonami de yu rai de yu rai de sa su

haxa 、 kuda ranai kanzyou da
mizu no naka de hi wo tu kerya
attoiu ma ni kansei da
mi ta koto nai buru-

ten kara no o tu ge nante na i mon na
tataka wa zu si te heikinten ga to re n nara
sore koso ga honmou da
muri datte wa kaxtu ten da

nando mo nando mo ku ri kae si ka ki nagu ru
i e nai aironi-   tokui ge ni

mou iya n naxtu ta   tanzyun na hanasi mou iya n naxtu tyaxtu ta n da
pappara pa- de sainou na i nounai tansaibou de ha nai … demo nai desu
mou iya n naxtu ta   tanzyun na hanasi mou iya n naxtu tyaxtu ta n da
zyeri-fissyu ha doku mo xtu ta mama hitonami de yu rai de yu rai de sa su

yuuutu kanzyou rettoukan   naiyou na i yo na iyou da yo ne
heinetu taion taisa nai   zya sono tiga i ha ittaizentai nannan da

aitu mo soitu mo dodo do dodoitu mo
un 百 too ri ni kasa wo sasi
na i te mo na i te mo ka re ha te nai kedo
nando mo nando mo nando mo nando mo
nando mo nando mo ku ri kae si na kizyakuru

boku dake zya nai tte sa
hontou ha kizu i teru
mata ku ri kae si te
ka waxtu te iku n da suko sizutu

axa 。

mou iya n naxtu ta   tanzyun na hanasi mou iya n naxtu tyaxtu ta n da
sore demo angai   toumei na fyu-tya- ha mi e nai demo nai desu
mou iya n naxtu tyau kurai sa   kagami ni utu ru boku mitai na kimi no
kasa ni naxtu te   suiteki ga na rasu o-kesutora de
uta xtu te mo ii desu ka ?

I'm sick of it. I'm sick of it, plain and simple.
Jellyfish, with their venom, bobbing and swaying and stinging in the waves of humanity.

Oh, it's a stupid feeling.
You light a fire in the water.
It'll be ready in no time.
Blue like you've never seen.

There's no such thing as a sign from heaven
If you can get average without a fight...
That's what I'm trying to do.
I know I can't do it.

Over and over and over and over again
Irony I can't say. I'm so proud of it.

I'm sick of it. I'm sick of it, plain and simple.
I'm not a flapper, I'm not a talentless, brainless, single-celled person... but I'm not
I'm sick of it, plain and simple, I'm sick of it.
Jellyfish stinging with venom as they bob, bob, bob in human waves

Depression, feelings of inferiority... there's no content... it's bizarre.
What's the difference?

He, he, he, he, they, they, they, they, they, they, they, they, they, they, they, they, they...
They're all under umbrellas in a hundred different ways.
I cry and cry and cry, but it never runs dry
over and over and over and over and over
I cry over and over and over again

I'm not the only one
I know I'm not the only one
Over and over again
I'm changing... little by little.

Oh, I'm sick of it.

I'm sick of it. I'm sick of it, plain and simple.
But still, I can't help but see the transparent future.
I'm so sick of it, I can't even see your reflection in the mirror.
I'll be your umbrella, and the water drops will play in the orchestra.
Can I sing?

[] 関連歌詞: