歌手: 伊東歌詞太郎
「感じるまんま」ってなんだよ あんたの借りとくわ
海賊版 論者も公認 インスパイアでリスペクト
感化されんなよ 噛んで含んでも吐き出しな
殿堂達成? そんなのいいよ 万バズだってどうでもいいの
芯食らってぐったり昏倒 なんまんだぶ オーマイゴッド
さよなら全兄弟 放て銀河
果てまで行け 君のなか
xxせ 焦がせ
一等星 デザートローズ 正義と悪紙一重 きっとまたどこかで
一等星 デザートローズ 正義と悪をとりかえしたらたちあがれ
アンダーグラウンド よどんだスワンプを這い出した
這い出すが結局窮地 地獄で最前モッシュ
雁字搦んだら勘が鈍んだろ 脱いどきな
海鳴りがよんでる方に紐解いて rise & fall
心臓縫って止めたいよ 死んだらぜってーとおくへいこう
転生ガチャやっても一緒 何回だっておんなじこと
飲まれるなよ 噛み砕け
萎えた顔して じっと見澄ませ
最大ダメージちょうだい 効かねえみたい
からだ挺して 君とまた
走馬灯の夏は手遅れだった ごめん
晒せ すべて 光の切り札 飛んじゃった白も関係なし
一等星 デザートローズ 正義と悪紙一重 きっとまたどこかで
一等星 デザートローズ 正義と悪をとりかえしたらたちあがれ
覚悟のない奴 消えな
さよなら全兄弟 放て銀河
果てまで行け 君のなか
xxせ 焦がせ
一等星 デザートローズ 正義と悪紙一重 きっとまたどこかで
一等星 デザートローズ 正義と悪をとりかえしたらたちあがれ
「 kan ziru manma 」 tte na n da yo anta no ka ri to kuwa
kaizoku ban ronzya mo kounin insupaia de risupekuto
kanka sa ren na yo ka n de hukumi n demo ha ki da si na
ha ki da se ba haiki no you ni kuro zun de toranzyento
dendou tassei ? sonna no ii yo man bazu datte dou demo ii no
omae no ha-to ha 一 ko dake
sin ku raxtu te guttari kontou nan man dabu o- mai goddo
ura mu no nara kami ura me
nasi nara nasi de an ta ida ku dake
taima- na ri hibi ku naka
myaku no awai he ni ge ta
sayonara zen kyoudai hana te ginga
ha te made i ke kimi no naka
nee sensei 、
「 i i tai koto 」 ga 一 hai guti ni naxtu te
soi de zinsei no zyozan wa ri ki re tyau 、 demo ne
xx se ko gase
inoti no itido ha dou yaxtu te mi te mo ta n nee zyan
ittousei deza-to ro-zu seigi to aku kamihitoe kitto mata dokoka de
sen nama to 、 hiziri to 、
ittousei deza-to ro-zu seigi to aku wo torikaesi tara tatiagare
hirameki sei to 、 tikai to 、
anda- guraundo yodon da suwanpu wo ha i da si ta
ha i da su ga kekkyoku kyuuti zigoku de saizen mossyu
ganzi garami n dara kan ga nibu n daro nu i doki na
umina ri ga yon deru hou ni himoto i te rise & fall
sinzou nu xtu te to me tai yo si n dara zette- to oku heikou
ko gareru mama saigo made
tensei gatya yaxtu te mo issyo nankai datte onnazi koto
no ma reru na yo ka mi kuda ke
na e ta kao si te zitto misu mase
sekai ha matiga inaku o waru
nara sono saki de risuta-to
saidai dame-zi tyoudai ki ka nee mitai
kara da tei si te kimi to mata
naa syounen 、
ittai boku ra ikudo kizu tui te
soumatou no natu ha teoku re daxtu ta gomen
sara se subete hikari no ki ri huda to n zyaxtu ta siro mo kankei nasi
ittousei deza-to ro-zu seigi to aku kamihitoe kitto mata dokoka de
sen nama to 、 hiziri to 、
ittousei deza-to ro-zu seigi to aku wo torikaesi tara tatiagare
hirameki sei to 、 tikai to 、
mazi nara mazi de iki tome te ma te
tunai da tamasii no kakera
kakugo no nai yatu ki e na
sayonara zen kyoudai hana te ginga
ha te made i ke kimi no naka
nee sensei 、
「 i i tai koto 」 ga ki e nai de hika xtu te
na i ta syunkan boku ra hitotu ni naru unmei
xx se ko gase
inoti no 一 ki ha dou yaxtu te mi te mo ta n nee zyan
ittousei deza-to ro-zu seigi to aku kamihitoe kitto mata dokoka de
sen nama to 、 hiziri to 、
ittousei deza-to ro-zu seigi to aku wo torikaesi tara tatiagare
hirameki sei to 、 tikai to 、
sayonara zenbu tyoudai
What do you mean, "do whatever you want"? I owe you.
Pirates are also recognized as masters and are very dangerous.
Don't be influenced, don't spit it out after chewing it.
Spit it out as black as exhaust, transient.
Hall of Fame succeeded? That's good. Wambaz doesn't matter.
You have only one heart.
It's great to eat the core and faint all over.
Hate God if you want to.
If it is a pear, I will hold you with a pear.
Under the condition that the timer rings
Fled to the pulse.
Goodbye, all brothers, Galaxy.
Go to the end, in your heart
"What I want to say" is all over my mouth.
So the division of life is divisible, but
Let xx worry
Once in a lifetime is not enough.
First-class dessert, rose, justice and evil paper must be somewhere again.
Sheng, Sheng,
Stand up after restoring the justice and evil of the first-class dessert rose
Sex, vows,
Climbed out of the constant swapper backstage.
Although he climbed out, he ended up at the forefront of the dead-end hell.
If the word "wild goose" is used, your intuition will be dull. Take it off.
Rise & breakdown
I want to sew up my heart to stop. If I die, then-go to hell.
Go to the end anxiously
It's the same thing to do it together several times, even if you twist eggs.
Don't be drunk, chew it up.
A face depressed, staring at.
The world will surely end.
Then start over before then.
The biggest damage doesn't seem to work.
Stand up and say goodbye to you.
Hey, boy,
How many times have we been injured?
I'm sorry that the summer of the lantern festival is late.
Everything exposed is the trump card of light, and it has nothing to do with white.
First-class dessert, rose, justice and evil paper must be somewhere again.
Sheng, Sheng,
Stand up after restoring the justice and evil of the first-class dessert rose
Sex, vows,
If it's true, hold your breath and wait.
Connected soul fragments
The unconscious guy disappears.
Goodbye, all brothers, Galaxy.
Go to the end, in your heart
"What you want to say" should not disappear, but shine.
The moment of crying doomed us to become one.
Let xx worry
You can't do enough in life.
First-class dessert, rose, justice and evil paper must be somewhere again.
Sheng, Sheng,
Stand up after restoring the justice and evil of the first-class dessert rose
Sex, vows,
Goodbye, please give it all to me.