原作を買おう 円盤を買おう
毎日連載で続いてる人生 正直しんどいけど(たま
はーい とかなんとか言うと思いました?
出来ないと決めつけないで このエターナルフォース
あとナントカさんも言ってました 現実(ここ)も仮
そろぼち使えます マジ惚れビーム
あーだのこーだの言いますが ちょっとビビっちゃい
人生 主人公も兼任で(いつも)
大変だけどその分 ワクワク出来るんだ
これが新必殺技「取材の為 次号休息拳」
「大丈夫」のセリフで あの日の自分も
毎日連載で続いてる人生 正直しんどいけど(たま
「 tugou ni yori nouki entyou desu 」
manga no you ni takara wo saga su bouken ga si tai ( toka toka )
tyounouryoku ni meza me te bi-mu wo u ti tai ( toka toka )
ituka deki ru you na ki ga si ta node mainiti rensyuu si te i tara
o kaa san ni ika ra re tyai masi ta
manga no you ni mahou wo tuka xtu te sekai wo suku i tai ( toka to
ka )
siro uma ni no xtu ta ouzi sama to koi si tai ( toka toka )
ituka kana u you na ki ga si ta node mainiti mousou
na n de kana sii kao si teru no ?
kao mi re ba syukudai si nasai toka tetuda i si nasai toka
sono mi kore mo benkyou na n desu
si ra nai kotoba toka si ra nai rekisi toka
manga de obo e ta n da yo
daisu ki na sakuhin ga tuzu ki masu you ni
gensaku wo ka o u enban wo ka o u
sensei made todo ki masu you ni
mainiti rensai de tuzu i teru zinsei syouziki sindoi kedo ( tama
ni )
otona ni naxtu ta ima demo yuuki wo kureru n da
toki tama kuzi ke sou ni naru toki mo aru kedo
ano kyarakuta- no you ni ( o si no )
ku-ru ni sukasi te ki me te yaru orizinaru hissatuwaza
「 tugou ni yori nouki entyou kobusi 」
manga no you na takara ga axtu tara kouban i ki nasai ( hai )
tyounouryoku de keganin ga de tara dou suru no ( hai ・ ・ ・ )
mahou ga tuka e tara mazu o tetuda i toka si nasai ( hai ・ ・
・ ・ ・ ・ )
「 sorosoro gen zikken nasai 」
ha-i toka nantoka i u to omo i masi ta ?
deki nai to ki metuke nai de kono eta-naru fo-su
buriza-do wo
ato nantoka san mo i xtu te masi ta genzitu ( koko ) mo kari
sou genzitu na n de
soro bo ti tuka e masu mazi ho re bi-mu
a- dano ko-da no i i masu ga tyotto bibixtu tyai
nai desu ka
kono ankoku da-ku burakkusyado- wo
ano ・ ・ ・ sono ・ ・ ・ sonna me de mi nai de
sorosoro ku ru zo konsin no genkotu
mainiti rensai de tuzu i teru
zinsei syuzinkou mo kennin de ( itumo )
taihen da kedo sono bun wakuwaku deki ru n da
tama ni ha wara e nai hanasi toka aru kedo
koro bu nara mae nomeri ni ( mae he )
syuzinkou hosei de ki ri nu kero
kore ga sinhissatuwaza 「 syuzai no tame zigou kyuusoku kobusi 」
A : kuxtu ・ ・ ・ hidarime ga uzu ku ze ・ ・ ・ ato hidarite to hidariasi hukumi
me ta husibusi mo ・ ・ ・
A : iya na huu da ・ ・ ・ nandaka samuke ga suru ze ・ ・ ・ teasi
no saki ni ・ ・ ・ e ? kore ha hi e syou to kaze no tyoukou desu ka ・
・ ・ ?
B : a- a 、 watasi no siro uma ni no xtu ta ouzi sama haya ku muka e ni ki na
ikana a- ! kitto 、 aru hi ma gari kado debu tukau toko
roka ra dea i ga hazi maru n da waxtu !
B : e ? sono baai butukaru no ha hakuba ni naru ・ ・ ・ ?
AB : so 、 sou desu yo ne ・ ・ ・
AB : extu to ・ ・ ・ ano ・ ・ ・ 「 to iu yume wo mi ta no sa 」
「 daizyoubu 」 no serihu de ano hi no zibun mo
konnan da tte sainan datte ki ri nu keru koto ga deki ta n da
mainiti rensai de tuzu i teru zinsei syouziki sindoi kedo ( tama
ni )
otona ni naxtu ta ima demo yuuki wo kureru n da
toki tama kuzi ke sou ni naru toki mo aru kedo
ano kyarakuta- no you ni ( o si no )
saigo ha koitu de ki me te yaru orizinaru hissatuwaza
「 tugou ni yori nouki entyou kobusi 」
"delayed delivery for some reason"
I want to take an adventure (or something like that) to find treasures like a comic book.
Awakening from super powers, I want to hit the beam (something like that)
Because I feel that I will do it one day, if I practice every day.
Mom is angry.
Like a comic book, I want to save the world with magic (la la la!
Want to fall in love with a prince on a white horse (or something)
Because the feeling will come true one day, I have delusions every day.
Why do you look sad?
Do your homework or something, help me or something.
In fact, this is also learning.
Unknown words or unknown history or something like that.
I remember it through comics.
I hope my favorite work will continue.
Buy the original, buy the disc.
I hope it can be sent to the teacher
Although it is hard to be honest every day (occasionally
Even when I grow up, it will give me courage.
Although sometimes there may be setbacks.
Just like that role (recommended)
I'll give you the original killing skill of cool decision.
"Deferred boxing for some reason"
If there are treasures like cartoons, please go to the police station (yes)
What if I get hurt because of my superpowers (Yes)
Please help after using magic (ok)
"It's almost time to look at reality."
What did you expect me to say?
Don't judge that you can't do it, the power of this planet.
Open the snowstorm
And Mr. Nantka also said that reality (here) is also hypothetical
Because it is imaginary reality.
It's almost ready to use, really fascinating beam.
Say yes, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
haven't you
Put this dark shadow
Don't look at it like that.
It's almost coming, try your best.
Serialized every day.
The protagonist of life is also a part-time (usual)
Although it is very hard, it can be very exciting accordingly.
Although there are occasional words that can't be laughed at.
If you want to fall, lean forward.
Get out of trouble in the hero's correction
This is the new killer skill "to interview the next issue of rest boxing"
A: Cook, your left eye will hurt, including your left hand and left foot.
under the circumstances
A: My hands and feet seem to be a nasty wind, which makes people chill.
Before me? Is this a sign of being afraid of cold and catching a cold
B: Ah ~ Ah, the prince on my white horse will come and pick me up.
I don't know how ~! Must have met at the corner one day.
We're about to meet!
B: hmm? In that case, would it be a white horse?
Ab: Yes, it is.
Ab: Well, I had that dream.
The line "It doesn't matter" made myself that day.
Difficulties and disasters have been overcome.
Although it is hard to be honest every day (occasionally
Even when I grow up, it will give me courage.
Although sometimes there may be setbacks.
Just like that role (recommended)
Finally, it's up to this guy to decide the original killing skill
"Deferred boxing for some reason"