


倒れてきたハリボテ、突き破り立って 渾身のファイティンポーズ

苦虫噛み潰して 飲み込み笑い飛ばして
羨望の眼はここに向かずとも 一人で信じた夢じゃないもの

とても小さな たわいないような 手応えが光に変わっていく
巡り巡って明日を照らす 「まだやれるよ」って微笑んでいる
すぐ叶うこと じゃない方がビューティフル 栄光は君と出会えたこと
空振った節々が痛むけど 似たようなもんさ君の方こそ

手をかざしてあの空へ 何度倒れたって羽根を広げ High Five!

人生のガイドポストなら その少年のポッケに入ってるよ
楽しさ忘れ正しさだけを追い求めて 何を手にしたの?
大人になるってことは つまらなくなることじゃないよ なぁ友よ

勲章などくれてやれ それより明日を照らせ
ぼくらはどこまでもいけるだろう 荒野に道を切り拓きながら

上手く乗りこなす最短距離を いけない自分だけの道のりを
蛇行しながらいこう右左 前に進むたび手を叩いたり
君の道じゃなくっちゃ見つけられない 宝物で日々は溢れてる
ゴール地点なら遠い方がいい 見据える瞳はただ美しい


とても小さな たわいないような 手応えが光に変わっていく
蛇行しながら残る足跡に 救われて歩き出す人がいる
すぐ叶うこと じゃない方がビューティフル 栄光は君と今ここにいること
そしてぼくらは笑い合うだろう 今日という日を振り返りながら


手をかざしてあの空へ 何度倒れたって羽根を広げ High Five!

高橋優 – HIGH FIVE Romaji Lyrics

「 koko made kamo na 」 sou zibun wo nando na ge da si sou ni naxtu taro u ?
「 koko kara dou surya ii ? 」 sou issunsaki ni oso re onono i taro u ?
hazi kaku toko nante si n de mo mi se nai hi-ro- ni nari takaxtu ta kedo
tao re te ki ta haribote 、 tu ki yabu ri ta xtu te   konsin no fai thin po-zu

nigamusi ka mi tubu si te   no mi ko mi wara i to basi te
senbou no me ha koko ni mu ka zu to mo   hitori de sin zi ta yume zya nai mono

totemo tii sana   tawainai you na   tegota e ga hikari ni ka waxtu te iku
megu ri megu xtu te asita wo te rasu   「 mada ya reru yo 」 tte hohoe n de iru
sugu kana u koto   zya nai hou ga byu-thihuru   eikou ha kimi to dea e ta koto
zora hu xtu ta husibusi ga ita mu kedo   ni ta you na mon sa kimi no hou koso

te wo kazasi te ano sora he   nando tao re ta tte hane wo hiro ge High Five !
saa aru ki da so u

dama ra se ta mama inosento na mama no sono koe wo ki ka se te yo
zinsei no gaido posuto nara   sono syounen no pokke ni hai xtu teru yo
tano si sa wasu re tada si sa dake wo o i moto me te   nani wo te ni si ta no ?
otona ni naru tte koto ha   tumaranaku naru koto zya nai yo   naxa tomo yo

kunsyou nado kure te yare   sore yori asita wo te rase
bokura ha dokomademo i keru daro u   kouya ni miti wo ki ri hira ki nagara

uma ku no rikonasu saitan kyori wo   ike nai zibun dake no miti nori wo
dakou si nagara iko u migihidari   mae ni susu mu tabi te wo tata i tari
kun no miti zya nakuxtu tya mi tuke rare nai   takaramono de hibi ha ahu re teru
go-ru titen nara too i hou ga ii   misu eru hitomi ha tada utuku sii

yo rikakaru basyo ha doko ni mo mia tara nai kara koso no hairaito
mada i keru daro u ?

totemo tii sana   tawainai you na   tegota e ga hikari ni ka waxtu te iku
dakou si nagara noko ru asiato ni   suku wa re te aru ki da su hito ga iru
sugu kana u koto   zya nai hou ga byu-thihuru   eikou ha kimi to ima koko ni iru koto
sosite bokura ha wara i a u daro u   kyou to iu hi wo hu ri kae ri nagara

yo rikakaru basyo ha doko ni mo mia tara nai kara koso no hairaito
namida ha sou kisikaisei no ubugoe

te wo kazasi te ano sora he   nando tao re ta tte hane wo hiro ge High Five !
saa aru ki da so u

高橋優 – HIGH FIVE 歌詞 翻訳

How many times have you almost thrown yourself down the stairs and said, “Maybe this is it?
“What do I do from here?” How many times did you shudder at the thought?
I wanted to be a hero who would never be humiliated.
But then you pushed through the fallen building and struck a fighting pose.

Bite down on the bitterness, swallow it, laugh it off
Even though the eyes of envy don’t turn here, it’s not a dream I believed in alone

A small, trivial response turns into light
I’m smiling and saying “I can still do it”
It’s more beautiful if it doesn’t come true right away The glory is that I met you
It hurts in the joints where I struck out, but it’s just like you

I’ll hold my hand up to the sky I’ll spread my wings no matter how many times I fall High Five!
Come on, let’s walk away

Let me hear that voice that’s still innocent and silent
Life’s guideposts are in that boy’s pocket
What did you get when you forgot to have fun and chased after what was right?
Growing up doesn’t have to be boring, my friend.

Don’t give me your medals. Give me tomorrow.
We’ll go as far as we can, blazing a trail in the wilderness

We’ll take the shortest way that we can get by We’ll take our own path that we can’t take
We’ll meander right and left, clapping our hands as we go forward
I can’t find it unless it’s your way, my days are filled with treasures
If it’s the finish line, the farther the better Eyes that look ahead are just beautiful

There’s nowhere to lean, that’s the highlight
You can still make it, can’t you?

A small, insignificant touch turns into light
Some people are saved by the meandering footprints and start walking
It’s more beautiful when it’s not immediate The glory is being here with you now
And we’ll laugh together as we look back on this day

There’s nowhere to lean on, that’s the highlight
Tears are the birth sound of rebirth

Hold up your hands to the sky, no matter how many times you fall, spread your wings, High Five!
Now let’s walk out


[] 関連歌詞: