


ねえ 準備はOK? 街へ繰りだそうよ
ポケットにキラリ 6ペンスコイン
世界中がスキであふれるSpecial Day

ナッツにマシュマロ チョコ パイナッポー グリコーゲン

Who are 優勝? 真の勝者 ミルクショコ将軍!(woo…ショーグン!)
Show me 一生分の糖度 ショコラティーショコラダ!(わんわん!)
つくりかたは誰にも内緒 秘密しかないFactory
味は奇跡の大逆転 街はどこも大賑わい
Chocolate Factory!

いーこと考えた! 毎月14日をバレンタインデーにすればいいんだよ。

世界中がスキであふれるSpecial Day

グミにキャンディアップル アイスinみたらし団子2

One Chance! 黄金切符買える
Wander! 注文とって合わせ 6チョコチョコ9チョコラ(わんわん!)
つくりたてなんかもう絶品 遊びにおいでFactory
奇想天外の大発明 君に教えてあげるよ

チョコレイトの滝を下り 川渡るよ

Who are 優勝? 真の勝者 ミルクショコ将軍!(woo…ショーグン!)
Show me 一生分の糖度 ショコラティーショコラダ!(わんわん!)
つくりかたは誰にも内緒 秘密しかないFactory
味は奇跡の大逆転 街はどこも大賑わい
Chocolate Factory!

計算する委員長? 気にしないふり委員長?
あ、わんわん工場長だ! ねえみんな、わんわん工場長だよ!
わんわん工場長なんていません。いた! 起立! 番号!

wakuwaku factory
himitu no tyou tyoko reito !

nee   zyunbi ha OK ?   mati he ku ridaso u yo
poketto ni kirari   6 pensu koin
suki na hito to suki na mono wo suki na dake
sekai tyuu ga suki de ahureru Special Day

nan demo ama i siawa se ni ka eru resipi de !
nattu ni masyumaro   tyoko   painappo-   guriko-gen
ato ha wanwan ga fondhu sure ba … …
Lucky !

Who are   yuusyou ?   sin no syousya   miruku syoko syougun ! ( woo … syo-gun ! )
Show me   issyou bun no toudo   syokorathi-syokorada ! ( wanwan ! )
tukurikata ha dare ni mo naisyo   himitu sika nai Factory
azi ha kiseki no dai gyakuten   mati ha doko mo oonigi wai
Chocolate Factory !

neenee 、 sore yori miruku syoko syougun tte nani nano ?
sixtu 、 sore ha syokoradafamiria saidai no himitu na n da tte !
miruku syoko syougun ha 、 o ningyou kaka e te tyokore-to no umi ni to bi ko n da
saisyo no syougun to i wa re te i masu 。
i- koto kanga e ta !   maituki 14 niti wo barentain de- ni sure ba ii n da yo 。

suki to suki de suki na suki ga suki ni si te
sekai tyuu ga suki de ahureru Special Day

nan demo ama i yuuwaku ni ka eru resipi de !
gumi ni kyandhi appuru   aisu in mitarasi dango 2
ato ha wanwan ga Wink sure ba … …
Disco !

One Chance !   ougon kippu ka eru
tyokotyoko 3 tyokotyoko ( woo … syokora ! )
Wander !   tyuumon to tte a wase   6 tyokotyoko 9 tyokora ( wanwan ! )
tukuri tate nanka mou zeppin   aso bi ni oide Factory
kisou tengai no daihatumei   kimi ni osi e te ageru yo

boku ra tensai syokorathie !
o kasi de deki ta pinku no hune de
tyoko reito no taki wo kuda ri   kawa wata ru yo

Happy !
Who are   yuusyou ?   sin no syousya   miruku syoko syougun ! ( woo … syo-gun ! )
Show me   issyou bun no toudo   syokorathi-syokorada ! ( wanwan ! )
tukurikata ha dare ni mo naisyo   himitu sika nai Factory
azi ha kiseki no dai gyakuten   mati ha doko mo oonigi wai
Chocolate Factory !

keisan suru iintyou ?   ki ni si nai huri iintyou ?
sositara 、 watasi tyotto saigo no syudan de ki me tyau !
a 、 wanwan kouzyou tyou da !   nee minna 、 wanwan kouzyou tyou da yo !
wanwan kouzyou tyou nante i mase n 。 i ta !   kiritu !   ban gou !
1 、 2 、 3 、 4 !

An exciting factory
Secret super chocolate!

Hey, you ready? I heard that you are going to the street.
6 pence coins sparkling in the pocket.
Just skiers and skiers.
The whole world is the Special Day of Miscanthus.

This is a recipe that everything can become sweet and happy!
Nuts with cotton candy, chocolate pineapple and liver candy
Next, if the bowl ...

Who are champions? The real winner, General Milk Chocolate! (woo… ... Sean! )
Show me a lifetime of sugar chocolate cola! (Wow! )
How to make it is a secret, Factory.
The miraculous Great Reversal Street is very lively everywhere.
Color factory!

Hey, what's the milk chocolate general compared to that?
Shh, that's the biggest secret of the chocolate family!
The milk chocolate general jumped into the sea of chocolate with the doll in his arms.
It is said that he was the first general.
I thought of something good! Just make the 14th of every month Valentine's Day.

Miscanthus and Miscanthus make Miscanthus into Miscanthus.
The whole world is the Special Day of Miscanthus.

A recipe that can turn anything into a sweet temptation!
Candy apple ice in mitarai dumplings 2
The rest is just a bowl of Wink.

A change! Can buy a golden ticket
Chocolate 3 chocolate (woo… chocolate! )
Wander! I ordered a total of 6 chocolates and 9 chocolates (wow! )
The things that have just been made have come to play, Factory.
I'll tell you what a fantastic invention is.

Our genius chocolate bar!
A pink boat made of dim sum
Go down the chocolate waterfall and cross the river.

Who are champions? The real winner, General Milk Chocolate! (woo… ... Sean! )
Show me a lifetime of sugar chocolate cola! (Wow! )
How to make it is a secret, Factory.
The miraculous Great Reversal Street is very lively everywhere.
Color factory!

Chairman's calculation You don't mind, chairman?
In that case, I will use the last resort to decide!
Ah, Director Wang! Hey, guys, I'm the dog factory manager!
There is no director of dishes. Yes! Stand up Number!
One, two, three, four!