

臨兵闘者皆陣烈在 前!!

踏み込まれちゃうと 透けていく オバケです
罪? 詰み?
けど好きな事じゃ ホメられたい お茶目です

アップダウン 反響中毒 ヤバい?
ついつい見ちゃう 禁断の X!!
ウェイ ウェイ 踊る 界隈はスワイプ
でもマンネリ気味かも…? オススメ欄

知らない お外 出るカロリー マジ高い
アーメン 独裁 マイセルフ
愛されたいなら 指くわえてても
どうせ死んだらGo to HELL

生きづらいやー! ファイヤー!
最強 偉いな
拗らせた無敵が ちょっとやそっとじゃ止まらない天
よくあるよね こんな気持ちで 見上げる夜空

いたいけスマイル ホメたげて 瀕死です

ダークサイド 脳内 現代の病?
情報収集 救済の X!!
推しから供給 助かるゾ!(ワーイ!)
今日も死ねない ハッピーデイ

生きづらいやー! ファイヤー!
ハイパー 偉いな
拗らせた不敵が どいつもこいつも眼中にない天使で

こぼすもんか 涙こらえて 見上げる夜空

ちょっと マルっと オマケしたい

祈らないさ 誓うんだ
何者 似た者 いつの間 繋がって
夢限に広がる 星座 胸焦がしたら

生きづらいやー! ファイヤー!
最強 偉いな
拗らせ足りないな もっとだ もっとだ 規格外天使で

生きる=転ぶ ソンナモンダイ
自業自得 全部 バネにして
飛び出せ夜空 届くまで
臨兵闘者皆陣烈在 前!!

rin hei tou sya mina zin isao mituru mae ! !

dokin ! dokin !
hu mi ko ma re tyau to su ke te iku obake desu
zai ? tu mi ?
kedo su ki na koto zya home rare tai o tyame desu

appudaun hankyou tyuudoku yabai ?
tuitui mi tyau kindan no X ! !
whei whei odo ru kaiwai ha suwaipu
demo manneri gimi kamo … ? osusume ran

si ra nai o soto de ru karori- mazi taka i
a-men dokusai mai seruhu
ai sa re tai nara yubi kuwae te te mo
douse si n dara Go to HELL

i ki zurai ya- ! faiya- !
mainiti saba ibu !
saikyou era i na
sato ri kido xtu tyaxtu te
kozi rase ta muteki ga tyotto ya sotto zya to mara nai ten
zukai desu
ki ta ! ike ru ! tenka to re tyau yokan !
na n de ! ? zannen ! a tara nai ! ?
yoku aru yo ne konna kimo ti de mia geru yozora
namu namu

ki ka n huri !
itaike sumairu home tage te hinsi desu

da-ku saido nounai gendai no yamai ?
zyouhou syuusyuu kyuusai no X ! !
o si kara kyoukyuu tasu karu zo ! ( wa-i ! )
kyou mo si ne nai happi- dei

i ki zurai ya- ! faiya- !
mainiti saba ibu !
haipa- era i na
sato ri kata xtu tyaxtu te
kozi rase ta huteki ga doitu mo koitu mo gantyuu ni nai tensi de
ki ta ! watasi ! dai meisaku no yokan !
na n de ! ? zannen ! wa kara nai ! ?
kobosu mon ka namida korae te mia geru yozora

asita sekai ha ka wara nai na
riaru ha manga zya aru mai
da kara nemu re nai yogoto ega i ta
tuyo gaxtu te ha to bi ko n da
ka wari tai to kasa ne ta pe-zi no bun dake
tika zuke ta ki ga suru kara
tyotto maru xtu to omake si tai

ino ra nai sa tika u n da
hekotare nai
nanimono ni ta mono ituno ma tuna gaxtu te
yume kiri ni hiro garu seiza mune ko gasi tara

i ki zurai ya- ! faiya- !
yaru sika nai
saikyou era i na
huzimi doya xtu tyaxtu te
kozi rase ta ri nai na motto da motto da kikaku gai tensi de
ki ta ! ike ru ! kondo koso tiga u yokan !
haihai ! ! zannen ! a tara nai ! ?
i kiru = koro bu sonna mon dai
zitabata ga tokuiwaza
zigouzitoku zenbu bane ni si te
to bi da se yozora todo ku made
rin hei tou sya mina zin isao mituru mae ! !

The combatants are all in front of the fierce battle! !

Soil ban! Soil ban!
A fool who becomes transparent as soon as he is stepped in.
Sin? Dying?
However, if you like something, you want to be bullied.

Is reversible reaction poisoning bad?
You will see the forbidden X before you know it! !
Sweep around dancing on the highway.
But it may be a bit of a rut ... Recommendation column

I don't know Going out is really high in calories.
Amen dictatorial ego
If you want to be loved, just touch it with your fingers.
Go to HELL if you die anyway

How hard it is to live! Rover!
Cheer up every day!
The strongest
Said an epiphany.
Awkward invincible days that can't be stopped with a little light.
I am very capable.
Coming! How handsome! A hunch will win the world!
Why! ? What a pity! I can't hit it! ?
Is it common to look up at the night sky in this mood?
Nanwu Nanwu

Pretend to be invalid!
Be overbearing and dying

Modern diseases in the dark side of the brain?
Intelligence gathering and relief x! !
Supply is saved from speculation! (Wow! )
I won't die today, Happy Di.

How hard it is to live! Rover!
Cheer up every day!
Super great
Cheated my consciousness.
Stubborn invincible is always an angel that this guy doesn't care about.
Coming! Me! A premonition of Daimyo!
Why! ? What a pity! I don't know! ?
Looking up at the night sky with tears

The world will not change tomorrow.
Reality is not a cartoon, is it?
So I draw a sleepless night every night.
Forced to jump in
The amount of pages you want to change.
Because it feels close
I want to be crazy.

I don't pray, I swear.
Not discouraged
When do similar people get together?
If the dream constellation is burnt,

How hard it is to live! Rover!
We can only do it
The strongest
He Never Died
It's not awkward enough, but it's an angel who doesn't meet the specifications.
Coming! How handsome! I will have a different feeling this time!
Hey, hey! ! What a pity! I can't hit it! ?
Living = Falling Song Na Munday
A hectic stunt.
you get what you deserve
Rush out until you reach the night sky.
The combatants are all in front of the fierce battle! !

[] 関連歌詞: