

Don’t count the days, Make the days count.
鈍感なGuys Mayday!! ちゃんと話そう

手はひとつも汚さず 血は一切流れない
大丈夫?って聞かれたら そら大丈夫って言うわ
大事なやりとり既読だけ何も来ない 何考えてるか全然わかんない

「きっつ」夜道におちた言葉が 這いつくばって登ってくる

波風立てたくないのかね 矢面に立ちたくないのかね
互いにぶつかってくほうが 痛くはないかもしれない

グサグサと喰らうストレート クラクラきたって立ってたいよ
スルスルと無かったことにしないで 胸が痛い
金では買えない気持ち 素直になるのもタダさ
ここで君と目を見て 話したいよ

正直そんな目立ちたくはない なにせ言いづらい
どこまで言っていいかわからない あーなんだか生きづらい
美味しいもの食べて忘れよう ゲームして考えるのやめておこう
なのに胸が気持ち悪い あー生きづらい

多様性からはみでない 自分の可能性を探して
それが矛盾だとわかってて チクタクチクタク日々に追われ
誰も傷つけたくない もめごとは御法度 これ以上大変になるなんて

でも幸せになりたい もっと強くなりたい
火の元用心くださいね 近頃の火は水じゃ消えない
でも信頼抱えてする喧嘩 熱い熱い絆になる

グサグサと本当のこと 言うも言わないもそれも自由
スルスルと流されてしまうのも それが答え
グサグサと喰らうストレート クラクラきたって立ってたいよ
ズルズルと心が痛むなら さよならまた会おう
一歩踏み込む勇気も 一歩離れる勇気も
心の中よく見て 前へ進め

Don’t count the days, Make the days count.
鈍感なGuys Mayday!! ちゃんと話そう

Don't count the days , Make the days count .
donkan na Guys Mayday ! !   tyanto hana so u

te ha hitotu mo yogo sa zu   ti ha issai naga re nai
daizyoubu ? tte ki ka re tara   sora daizyoubu tte i u wa
daizi na yaritori kidoku dake nani mo ko nai   nani kanga e teru ka zenzen wakan nai
kana siku te kitto nemu re nai

「 kittu 」 yomiti ni oti ta kotoba ga   ha itukubaxtu te nobo xtu te kuru
kirei na hosizora ni mo dou ni mo deki nai saiaku na yoru

namikaze ta te taku nai no ka ne   yaomote ni ta ti taku nai no kane
taga ini butukaxtu teku hou ga   ita ku ha nai kamo sire nai

gusagusa to ku rau sutore-to   kurakura kitaxtu te ta xtu te tai yo
surusuru to na kaxtu ta koto ni si nai de   mune ga ita i
kin de ha ka e nai kimo ti   sunao ni naru no mo tada sa
koko de kimi to me wo mi te   hana si tai yo

syouziki sonna meda ti taku ha nai   nanise i izurai
doko made i xtu te ii ka wakara nai   a- na n da ka i ki zurai
oi sii mono ta be te wasu reyo u   ge-mu si te kanga eru no yame te oko u
na no ni mune ga kimo ti waru i   a- i ki zurai

tayousei kara hamide nai   zibun no kanousei wo saga si te
sore ga muzyun da to wakaxtu te te   tikutaku tikutaku hibi ni o wa re
dare mo kizu tuke taku nai   momegoto ha gohatto   kore izyou taihen ni naru nante
zibun wo mamo ru no ha zibun sika i nai

demo siawa se ni nari tai   motto tuyo ku nari tai
watasi no zinsei ha dare mo yaxtu te kure nai
hi no moto youzin kudasai ne   tikagoro no hi ha mizu zya ki e nai
demo sinrai kaka e te suru kenka   atu i atu i kizuna ni naru

gusagusa to hontou no koto   i u mo i wa nai mo sore mo ziyuu
surusuru to naga sa re te simau no mo   sore ga kota e
gusagusa to ku rau sutore-to   kurakura kitaxtu te ta xtu te tai yo
zuruzuru to kokoro ga ita mu nara   sayonara mata a o u
一 po hu mi ko mu yuuki mo   一 po hana reru yuuki mo
kokoro no naka yoku mi te   mae he susu me
zibun no zyunsui ni hi wo tukero

Don't count the days , Make the days count .
donkan na Guys Mayday ! !   tyanto hana so u

Don't count the days,Make the days count .
Dull Guys Mayday! ! Let's talk it over.

One hand is not dirty, and there is no blood flowing.
Are you okay? If you ask me that, I'll say it's probably no problem
The important communication is that you have read nothing and have no idea what you are thinking.
I must be too sad to sleep.

If "tight" falls on the night road, crawl up.
The beautiful starry sky can do nothing about the worst night.

Do you want to make waves or do you want to be the target of public criticism?
Colliding with each other may not hurt more.

Eat straight, I want to stand.
Don't pretend not, my heart hurts.
It's no use being frank when money can't buy you.
I want to watch you talk here.

To tell you the truth, I don't want to be so conspicuous. It's hard to say anyway.
I don't know what to say. It's really hard to live.
Eat delicious food and forget it. Don't play games and think about it.
But my heart is very uncomfortable, and it is difficult to live.

Looking for the possibility of not exceeding diversity.
I know it is contradictory, and I am busy every day.
No one wants to hurt the dispute, and the imperial edict will be even harder.
Only oneself can protect oneself.

But I want to be happy, I want to be stronger.
There is no one to do in my life
Be careful of the candle, the recent fire can't be extinguished with water.
But the quarrel of trust will become a hot bond.

It is free to tell the truth directly or not.
Being washed away is also the answer.
Eat straight, I want to stand.
Goodbye if it hurts.
Whether it is the courage to take a step or the courage to leave a step.
Look at your heart carefully and move on.
Ignite one's purity

Don't count the days,Make the days count .
Dull Guys Mayday! ! Let's talk it over.

[] 関連歌詞: