曲名:One time for your mind


Yay yeah
(Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!)
誰も見たことのない (High! High! High!) 御来光
(Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!)
さながら混ざり合った春夏秋冬 (Get go)

Journey to the rainbow, Shiny Snowy Rainy Cloudy
Many many 前に マーチングバンドみたいに行進だ
Buddy buddy 始まった旅 (Step on)
のんびり とびきりのステップ踏む
マイハート 今にも飛び出しそうな気分 麗

Ready to… 広がる音色 (Uh yeah)
Ready to… 高まる低音 (Uh yeah)
くぐり抜けて向かえ (Uhh Haa!)

風切って颯爽 おいでおいで誘えば共鳴すべく皆に届く
鼓動のドラム ご機嫌な口笛 スウィング気味な音符を従えて

Just singing on the way 進め進め (Yeah!)
天晴れパレード 急な悪天候 Run run run
神々しい My way 高らかに歌っちゃって
(Sho bee doo doo bee doo)
Yeah one time for your mind

艱難辛苦 粒粒辛苦 乗り越えていく道中
My my my my my my way
優しく 楽しく 共有し合える フォーチューン

詩人も羨む (Blues)
共鳴し繋がる (Crew)
それぞれが舵取り合う お任せあれ しないぜ針飛びは
踏み締めてく 足取りは軽快でパワフルさ 行こう皆

Ready to… 不機嫌は休符でミュートしてあげるね
Ready to… わくわく連符でグッドが溢れるね
水平線越えて向かえ (Uhh Haa!)

帆を張って滑走 順風満帆?まだまだ!
All day all night しっかりと漕ぐ
波のリズム メリハリグルーヴでスウィングさせる心の底まで

Just singing on the wave 進め進め (Yeah!)
熱帯夜 サンドストーム 暴風雨 雷鳴 Run run run
騒々しい My way でも着実アンダンテ
(Sho bee doo doo bee doo)
Yeah one time for your mind

We can try, Just like driving yeah
We can try, Feel like flying

漏れなく 踏破 絶景 Beautiful (Foo!)
身に染む情緒 諳んじ Lyrical
さぁさ そろそろラストスパート

Just singing on the way 進め進め (Yeah!)
天晴れパレード 急な悪天候 Run run run
神々しい My way 高らかに歌っちゃって
(Sho bee doo doo bee doo)
Yeah one time for your mind

Just singing on the stage 歌え歌え (Yeah!)
お待ちかね One time for your mind (Yeah!)

Yay yeah
taiyou mo tuki mo nebusoku hissu no fesuthibaru he go syoutai siyo u
(Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!)
dare mo mi ta koto no nai (High! High! High!) goraikou
(Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!)
sanagara ma zari a xtu ta syunkasyuutou (Get go)
Journey to the rainbow, Shiny Snowy Rainy Cloudy
Many many mae ni  ma-tingu bando mitai ni kousin da
Buddy buddy hazi maxtu ta tabi (Step on)
omo i kosi ha tatimati tyou no you ni huro-to
usu ppera na mappu ga sime su ohuro-do
nonbiri  tobikiri no suteppu hu mu
mai ha-to  ima ni mo to bi da si sou na kibun  urara
Ready to... hiro garu neiro (Uh yeah)
Ready to... taka maru teion (Uh yeah)
midori zawameki tori ga uta u
sizen no kana deru o-kesutora
kuguri nu ke te mu kae (Uhh Haa!)
huu ki xtu te sassou  oide oide saso e ba kyoumei su beku mina ni todo ku
kodou no doramu  go kigen na kutibue  suwhingu gimi na onpu wo sitaga e te
Just singing on the way susu me susu me (Yeah!)
appa re pare-do  kyuu na akutenkou Run run run
kougou sii My way taka raka ni uta xtu tyaxtu te
(Sho bee doo doo bee doo)
Yeah one time for your mind
zenzen zenzen zenzen he
kannansinku  ryuuryuusinku  no ri ko e te iku doutyuu
My my my my my my way
yasa siku  tano siku  kyouyuu si a eru  fo-tyu-n
sizin mo uraya mu (Blues)
kyoumei si tuna garu (Crew)
sorezore ga kazito ri a u  o maka se are  si nai ze hari to bi ha
hu mi si me teku  asido ri ha keikai de pawahuru sa  i ko u mina
Ready to... hukigen ha kyuuhu de myu-to si te ageru ne
Ready to... wakuwaku ren hu de guddo ga ahu reru ne
sazameku oounabara
sekai he kana deru o-kesutora
suiheisen ko e te mu kae (Uhh Haa!)
ho wo ha xtu te kassou  zyunpuumanpan? madamada!
All day all night sikkari to ko gu
nami no rizumu  merihari guru-vu de suwhingu sa seru kokoro no soko made
Just singing on the wave susu me susu me (Yeah!)
nettaiya  sando suto-mu  bouhuuu  raimei Run run run
souzou sii My way demo tyakuzitu andante
(Sho bee doo doo bee doo)
Yeah one time for your mind
We can try, Just like driving yeah
We can try, Feel like flying
atti i xtu tari kotti i xtu tari
atu i toko kara katinko tin made
mo re naku touha  zekkei Beautiful (Foo!)
mi ni si mu zyoutyo  sora nzi Lyrical
sa xa sa  sorosoro rasuto supa-to
ka ke megu xtu ta asina mi ga toutou
Just singing on the way susu me susu me (Yeah!)
appa re pare-do  kyuu na akutenkou Run run run
kougou sii My way taka raka ni uta xtu tyaxtu te
(Sho bee doo doo bee doo)
Yeah one time for your mind
Just singing on the stage uta e uta e (Yeah!)
o ma tikane One time for your mind (Yeah!)

Yay yeah
Let's invite the sun and the moon
(woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!)
I have never seen anyone
(woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!)
Mixed spring and summer

Journey to the rainbow, Shiny Snowy Rainy Cloudy
Marching band like marching band
Buddy buddy
Heavy hip floats quickly like butterflies
Flimsy map shows off road
Step by step
My heart seems to jump out now

Ready to spread
Ready to rise
A green bird sings
A natural Orchestra
Go ahead!

If you come in, you will come to everyone to resonate
The drum of the heartbeat has a pleasant whistle

Just turn on the way
Heaven run parade
In the heavenly way
Ho bee Doo Doo bee Doo
Yeah one time for your mind

The way of suffering from hardships
My my my my my my way
A fortunate and enjoyable companion

Envy the poet
I don't have to leave each other
It is light and powerful

I want you to mute
Good to meet
A rough sea
Concert for the world
Beyond the horizon

Sailing and sailing on the sails? Still!
All day all night
Description: rhythm of waves

Just turn on the wave
Hot Wheels storm storm
Absolute Andante in a loud way
Ho bee Doo Doo bee Doo
Yeah one time for your mind

We can try, Just like driving yeah
We can try, Feel like flying

Go or go there
From hot to catechin
A beautiful scene!
Last spurt
At the last step

Just turn on the way
Heaven run parade
In the heavenly way
Ho bee Doo Doo bee Doo
Yeah one time for your mind

Just on the stage song
One time for your mind