歌手: あべりょう
1億年前 恐竜が 食べた餌が 見つかったんだ
恐竜が シダ植物 好んで食べてた 昼下がり
火山が爆発 シダさんの森が 火山灰に埋まって 石炭になった
CO2まみれの 昔の地球で プランクトンが
光合成し それを酸素に変え 藻が生まれ 光を
求め 上陸 苔に変化し 背が低いと悩み
葉と根を 茎と枝にし 背伸びし シダさんが繁殖
シダが作る 酸素吸って CO2出す 恐竜に食べられ
それでも健気に CO2集めた シダさん襲う 火山
生き埋めにされても なお人のため 石炭と化した シダさんに
礼を言うどころか 「CO2出しやがって」と 足蹴にして
CO2喰う植物を 炭水化物と呼び 動物が喰う
死んで焼かれ CO2に戻り 植物が喰う 炭素循環
くっつきたがる酸素が 炭素とくっつき CO2が増えて
酸素が水素と くっつく海水 温めただけで 何が悪い?
くっつきたがる人間と お金がくっつき 脱炭素
人間とお金がつるみ 次のお題目探す 資本主義 経済
自分のことばかり考えず シダさんの事だって考えて
人の損得 ばかりじゃなく 分子レベルで 物事考えて
化石燃料がくれた 豊かさの 恩を仇で返すような
偏りすぎたCO2祭りの 魔女狩りに加担しないで
未来の子供の為と 言うなら 過去の生き物の 必死の
努力の歴史を紐解き その積み上げの すべてに感謝して
シダさんのお墓がある 中東の油田の砂漠は
昔は シダの森だった そこにインド大陸がめり込み
シダさんを 生き埋めにして 生まれた ユーラシア 誕生の物語
あべりょう – 化石燃料をバカにするな Romaji Lyrics
1 oku nen mae kyouryuu ga ta be ta esa ga mi tukaxtu ta n da
kyouryuu ga sida syokubutu kono nde ta be te ta hirusa gari
kazan ga bakuhatu sida san no mori ga kazanbai ni u maxtu te isi sumi ni naxtu ta
CO 2 mamire no mukasi no tikyuu de purankuton ga
kougousei si sore wo sanso ni ka e mo ga u mare hikari wo
moto me zyouriku koke ni henka si se ga hiku i to naya mi
ba to ne wo kuki to eda ni si seno bi si sida san ga hansyoku
sida ga tuku ru sanso su xtu te CO 2 da su kyouryuu ni ta be rare
sore demo kenage ni CO 2 atu me ta sida san oso u kazan
i ki u me ni sa re te mo nao hito no tame sekitan to ka si ta sida san ni
rei wo i u dokoroka 「 CO 2 da si yagaxtu te 」 to asige ni si te
CO 2 ku u syokubutu wo tansuikabutu to yo bi doubutu ga ku u
si n de ya ka re CO 2 ni modo ri syokubutu ga ku u tanso zyunkan
kuttuki ta garu sanso ga tanso to kuttuki CO 2 ga hu e te
sanso ga suiso to kuttuku kaisui atata me ta dake de nani ga waru i ?
kuttuki ta garu ningen to o kane ga kuttuki datu tanso
ningen to o kane ga turumi tugi no o daimoku saga su sihon syugi keizai
zibun no koto bakari kanga e zu sida san no koto datte kanga e te
zin no sontoku bakari zya naku bunsi reberu de monogoto kanga e te
kaseki nenryou ga kure ta yuta ka sa no on wo ada de kae su you na
katayo ri sugi ta CO 2 matu ri no mazyoga ri ni katan si nai de
mirai no kodomo no tame to i u nara kako no i ki mono no hissi no
doryoku no rekisi wo himoto ki sono tu mi a ge no subete ni kansya si te
sida san no o haka ga aru tyuutou no yuden no sabaku ha
mukasi ha sida no mori daxtu ta soko ni indo tairiku ga meri ko mi
sida san wo i ki u me ni si te u mare ta yu-rasia tanzyou no monogatari
あべりょう – 化石燃料をバカにするな 歌詞 翻訳
They found food that was eaten by dinosaurs 100 million years ago.
Dinosaurs loved to eat ferns.
In the early afternoon, a volcano exploded, burying the fern forest in volcanic ash and turning it to coal.
On the old Earth, covered in CO2, plankton…
Plankton photosynthesizes, converts it into oxygen, algae are born, they seek out light.
And then they land, looking for light, and they turn into moss, and they worry that they’re too short.
Leaves and roots become stems and branches, and ferns grow taller and taller.
The ferns make oxygen, they breathe it in, they emit CO2, they’re eaten by the dinosaurs.
The ferns that still collected CO2, were attacked by a volcano.
The volcano that attacked Mr. Fern, who was buried alive, but turned to coal for the sake of others.
Instead of thanking him, they kicked him in the leg and said, “You’re a CO2 hog.”
They call CO2-eating plants carbohydrates, and animals eat them.
They die, they’re burned, they’re turned back into CO2, and the plants eat them, and it’s the carbon cycle.
Oxygen wants to stick to carbon, so carbon sticks to oxygen, CO2 increases.
Oxygen sticks to hydrogen, seawater gets warmed up, what’s wrong with that?
People want to stick together, and money sticks together, and we decarbonize.
People and money hook up and look for the next big thing… capitalism, the economy.
Don’t think only about yourself. Think about Mr. Fern.
Think about things on a molecular level, not just how much money you’re making.
We’ve been given a bounty of fossil fuels, and now we’re going to pay for it with our own money.
Don’t be a part of this witch-hunt, this over-biased CO2-fest.
If you want to protect the future of our children, you have to look at the history of the desperate efforts of creatures in the past.
And appreciate all that has been built up over the years.
The desert of the Middle Eastern oil fields where Mr. Fern’s grave is located…
The deserts of the Middle Eastern oil fields used to be a forest of ferns, until the Indian continent collapsed in on them.
The story of the birth of Eurasia, where Mr. Fern was buried alive.