

ポンっと咲いた ニッポンのここが桃源郷!
君のこと笑かすために 舞い降りてきたんやで

しょっぱい帰り道 前が見えへんなぁ

We are good guys! Live it up! Live it up!

ヘイカモン! Heyday かまへんで
深夜吠えるサラリーマン ハイヒールのウーマン
カラカラのハートにはビールより 「You can!」
My life & 粉もんソース 濃いめくらいが丁度いいね

ボケてツッコめ! かっこつけんじゃねえ!
そんなん言うても… ちょちょちょ待ってや
言えへん… 好きやねん!!!

ずっと君とちょけたい LOVE & PEACE
We are good guys! Live it up! Live it up!

夢もいっぱい 腹も満杯
自分くらい信じてみたい この歌を歌えば無問題(モウマンタイ)
山道だって 谷底だって 真っ暗で何も見えなくたって
君の現在(いま)がいつだって 世界の超最前線なんだぜ

We are good guys! Live it up! Live it up!

attiati tako ya ki gata wakusei
pon xtu to sa i ta  nippon no koko ga tougenkyou!
kun no koto warai kasu tame ni  ma i o ri te ki tanya de
ware ra ga naniwa dansi( bo-i)
mossa i zyousiki( ru-ru) de ganzigarame no mainiti
syoppai kae ri miti  mae ga mi e hen naxa
uxtu sai zyousi ga kuti wo a ke ta nara
kono ame tyan hanasi( hou) xtu tare!
anta sore ha tyautyau!
mahou no kotoba「 tyautyau!」
seikai( kotae) nante nai sa
asita koso wara xtu tyau!
kun no mama de ee n tyau?!
koro garu hodo○( maru) ni naru sa
We are good guys! Live it up! Live it up!
axtu tya koxtu tya mutyakutya de i ko u ze
hei kamon! Heyday  kama hen de
o mae no tame ni kono mune utu ke tende
sinya ho eru sarari-man  haihi-ru no u-man
karakara no ha-to ni ha bi-ru yori 「You can!」
My life & kona mon so-su  ko ime kurai ga tyoudo ii ne
zibun ni kira wa re nakya ee nen
nanbo no mon zyai?
boke te tukkome!  kakko tuke n zya nee!
sonna n i u te mo…  tyo tyo tyo ma xtu te ya
i e hen…  su ki ya nen!!!
tyo tyoko baxtu te mo inzyan hoi
tutu ippai to kogi riho - kana zinsei wo
ida kisime taku naxtu tyau!
mo~ a i taku naxtu tyau!
riyuu nante ira nai sa
naxa、 are tyautyau tyau?
i yaxa、 tyautyau tyau n tyau?
zutto kimi to tyo ke tai LOVE & PEACE
We are good guys! Live it up! Live it up!
axtu tya koxtu tya ha tya metya de i ko u ze
yume mo ippai  hara mo manpai
nari takya ima sugu ni naniwa he daibu!
zibun kurai sin zi te mi tai  kono uta wo uta e ba moumantai( moumantai)
yamamiti datte  tanizoko datte  ma xtu kura de nani mo mi e naku tatte
kun no genzai( ima) ga itu datte  sekai no tyou saizensen na n da ze
are mo kore mo tyautyau!
tte mayo xtu te moe en tyau!?
kota e nante nai sa
naa、 toki ni ha na i tyau yoru ga
axtu te moe en tyau!
ituka zenbu○ ni naru sa
We are good guys! Live it up! Live it up!
axtu tya koxtu tya mutyakutya de iyo u ze

Attache Takoyaki
Here is the poppies of Japan!
I fell in love to laugh at you
We are boys

In daily life
I can't see my way back
If the boss had opened his mouth
This candy!

That's right!
Magic word "good luck!"
Nothing is right
Laughing tomorrow!
Do you leave it?
To fall down
We are good guys! Live it up! Live it up!
Let's go out of the way

Hey KAMON! Heyday
I'm hungry for you
Late at night salary man high heels woman
Caracara's heart is "you can!"
My life & It is just fine
I must be disliked by myself

What is it?
Blurry! Hey!
Even if you say that
No, thank you!
I'm so sorry
A life full of

Embrace me!
I want to meet!
I need no reason
Chow Chow Oh!
Chow Chow oh yeah!
I love you forever PEACE
We are good guys! Live it up! Live it up!
Let's go to the tea ceremony

Dreams are full and full
Dive to the right now!
If you sing this song you want to believe in yourself
Even the bottom of the mountain is dark
Your present is always the front line of the world

That and this will be done!
Even if it gets lost.
No answer
Ah, sometimes I cry
Even if there is it.
It will be all day
We are good guys! Live it up! Live it up!
Let's be too busy!

[] 関連歌詞: