歌手: あべりょう
地元の 金ない奴が主催の 立ち飲みの 同窓会
ボクは金あるから 座りたいのに 村社会のしがらみ
「今の話なんか聞くなよ」 「あの頃が最高だよな」
「今の話が聞きたいよ」 「過去の話なんか意味ない」
地元のスクールカースト 維持したいヤツと
今を見せたいヤツの テーブルの下の 足の引っ張り合い
「あのカオリが離婚したって」 「オレらもチャンスあるんじゃね」
「あんた達そっとしてあげな」 「カオリは子供と幸せ」
思い出すのは 校庭で カオリとキスした
あの時のように また困ってるならば カオリに援助しようかな
みんなみたいな オシャレなリップが ワタシも欲しいよと
貧しさのなか 生まれた 不幸を ボクの胸で 泣きはらす
制服のカオリ 胸ポケットに そっと入れた 千円札
驚いたような顔で ボクを見つめる カオリに そっと キスをした
愛情なしの 美人と 愛情たっぷりの ぽっちゃりさんなら
7:3で 美人選び 寂しさは 耳かきサロンで 癒せばいい
こっちが奢る系の友達と 貸し借りなしの友達なら
7:3で 奢る系でしょ こっちの都合に 合わせてもらえる メリット
誰もが 人的資本と 金融資本の 配分を選び
愛を尽くすか 買うのか 友情のしがらみ 金で逃れるか
愛とか友が 全てと語り 100均で貧しさしのぐなら
遠い国で その商品を 低賃金で作る人のことも 愛せよ
それが 金と友情のフェアトレード 金と愛情のフェアトレード
zimoto no kin nai yatu ga syusai no ta ti no mi no dousoukai
boku ha kin aru kara suwa ri tai no ni murasyakai no sigarami
「 ima no hanasi nanka ki ku na yo 」 「 ano koro ga saikou da yo na 」
「 ima no hanasi ga ki ki tai yo 」 「 kako no hanasi nanka imi nai 」
zimoto no suku-ru ka-suto izi si tai yatu to
ima wo mi se tai yatu no te-buru no sita no asi no hi xtu pa ri a i
「 ano kaori ga rikon si ta tte 」 「 orera mo tyansu aru n zya ne 」
「 anta tati sotto si te age na 」 「 kaori ha kodomo to siawa se 」
omo i da su no ha koutei de kaori to kisu si ta
ano toki no you ni mata koma xtu teru nara ba kaori ni enzyo siyo u kana
minna mitai na osyare na rippu ga watasi mo ho sii yo to
mazu si sa no naka u mare ta hukou wo boku no mune de na kiharasu
seihuku no kaori mune poketto ni sotto i re ta senensatu
odoro i ta you na kao de boku wo mi tumeru kaori ni sotto kisu wo si ta
aizyou nasi no bizin to aizyou tappuri no pottyari san nara
7 : 3 de bizin era bi sabi si sa ha mimi kaki saron de iya se ba ii
kotti ga ogo ru kei no tomodati to ka si ka ri nasi no tomodati nara
7 : 3 de ogo ru kei desyo kotti no tugou ni a wasete mora eru meritto
dare mo ga zinteki sihon to kinyuu sihon no haibun wo era bi
ai wo tu kusu ka ka u no ka yuuzyou no sigarami kin de noga reru ka
ai toka tomo ga sube te to kata ri 100 kin de mazu si sa sinogu nara
too i kuni de sono syouhin wo tei tingin de tuku ru hito no koto mo ai seyo
sore ga kin to yuuzyou no fea tore-do kin to aizyou no fea tore-do
It's a stand-up drinking party hosted by a guy with no money in his hometown.
I've got money, I want to sit down, but I'm stuck in this village society.
"Don't listen to the now." "Those were the best days."
"I want to hear about now." "What's the point of talking about the past?"
"There's no point in talking about the past.
And those who want to show the present are dragging each other under the table.
Kaori's getting divorced. Maybe we have a chance.
You guys should leave her alone. Kaori is happy with her kids.
I remember kissing Kaori on the playground.
I remember kissing Kaori on the playground... and if she's in trouble again, I'll help her out.
She said, "I want to have fashionable lips like everyone else.
She cries in my arms about her misfortune, born of poverty.
Kaori in her school uniform, a 1,000 yen bill softly slipped into her breast pocket
I softly kissed Kaori, who looked at me with a startled face
If it's a beautiful woman with no love and a chubby woman with lots of love...
If it's a 7:3 split between a beautiful woman and a chubby woman with lots of love, I'll choose the beautiful woman, and I can heal my loneliness at the ear cleaning salon.
If you're the kind of friend who buys and you're the kind of friend who doesn't borrow and borrow.
I'd say it's a 7:3 split, with the benefit of being able to accommodate me.
Everyone gets to choose how they allocate their human capital and their financial capital.
You can either love or buy, or you can escape the bonds of friendship with money.
If you talk about love and friends being all that matters, and you live off a hundred bucks...
You should also love the people who make those products in faraway countries for low wages.
Fair trade of money and friendship Fair trade of money and love