



真夜中の星の向こう 内緒で落ちてきた戦士

橙に染まった部屋を繋いでいた 黒い宇宙と

いない いない いなくならないでよ
さ さ 探しに行くよ
めんどうだ めんどうだ 面倒なくらいに思い思い
いたい いたい 伝えたいことなど
ない ない 永久にとなりを
繋いでいた 繊細な聞こえていた音を頼りに

知り過ぎた結末と まだ降りたこともないのに
窓の外 空の向こう 諦め夢を見る月面に

タイダイに染まったシャツと しわになった黒いスカート
離ればなれになるの 大丈夫 まだ聞こえるよ

不安そうな君の顔と 覚悟した僕の涙と

いない いない いなくならないでよ
さ さ 探しに行くよ
めんどうだ めんどうだ 面倒なくらいに思い思い
いたい いたい 伝えたいことなど
ない ない 永久にとなりを
繋いでいた 繊細な聞こえていた音を頼りに

Strawberry, poland, swallow, merry-go-round, Hello brand-new world,
There is ”NO-SIGNAL.”

hi ni ya ke ta arubamu to tuta no kara maru itigo no mi
ki ga tuke ba mou doko ni mo i ke naku naxtu te i ta hutari

mayonaka no hosi no mu kou   naisyo de o ti te ki ta sensi
naze koko wo era n da no ? sukuxtu te na me a xtu ta namida

daidai ni so maxtu ta heya wo tuna i de i ta   kuro i utyuu to
“ sigunaru ha no- ” “ sigunaru ha no- ”
aimai na kyoukaisen wo ima itido kakunin
doko made ga kotti na no kana

i nai   i nai   i naku nara nai deyo
sa   sa   saga si ni i ku yo
mendou da   mendou da   mendou na kurai ni omo i omo i
itai   itai   tuta e tai koto nado
nai   nai   eikyuu ni tonari wo
tuna i de i ta   sensai na ki koe te i ta oto wo tayo ri ni

si ri su gi ta ketumatu to   mada o ri ta koto mo nai noni
mado no soto   sora no mu kou   akira me yume wo mi ru getumen ni

taidai ni so maxtu ta syatu to   siwa ni naxtu ta kuro i suka-to
“ sigunaru ha no- ” “ sigunaru ha no- ”
hana rebanare ni naru no   daizyoubu   mada ki koeru yo
“ sigunaru ha no- ”

huan sou na kimi no kao to   kakugo si ta boku no namida to
“ sigunaru ha no- ” “ sigunaru ha no- ”
aimai na seimei sen wo ima itido kakunin
doko made issyoni i rareru kana

i nai   i nai   i naku nara nai deyo
sa   sa   saga si ni i ku yo
mendou da   mendou da   mendou na kurai ni omo i omo i
itai   itai   tuta e tai koto nado
nai   nai   eikyuu ni tonari wo
tuna i de i ta   sensai na ki koe te i ta oto wo tayo ri ni

Strawberry , poland , swallow , merry-go-round , Hello brand-new world ,
There is ” NO-SIGNAL . ”

A tanned album and ivy-twined strawberry fruit
Two people who find they can't go anywhere anymore

Beyond the midnight stars, the warrior who fell in secret
Why did you choose this place? We scooped and licked each other's tears

and the black universe that connected the orange tinted room
the signal is no the signal is no
once again checking the blurred boundaries
I wonder how far I've come.

They're gone, they're gone, they're gone, they're gone, they're gone, they're gone.
Come on, let's go look for them.
It's a hassle, it's a hassle, it's a hassle, it's so much trouble, so much trouble, so much trouble.
I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to...
I don't have anything to say. I don't have anything to say.
I'm counting on the delicate sound I could hear.

I've known too many endings, and I haven't even been down there yet.
Outside the window, beyond the sky, on the moon's surface, where I dream of giving up.

Tie-dye stained shirts and wrinkled black skirts.
The signal is no, the signal is no.
We're gonna get separated. It's okay, I can still hear you.
The signal is no.

Your anxious face and my tears of determination
♪ The signal is no, the signal is no ♪
I'm checking again to see if we're still on the same page
I wonder how much longer we can be together

♪ Don't go away, don't go away, don't go away, don't go away
Come on, I'll go look for you.
I'm going to go look for you... it's so bothersome, so bothersome, so bothersome, so bothersome, so bothersome
I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to...
I don't want to tell you. I don't want to tell you.
I'm counting on the delicate sound I could hear.

Strawberry, poland, swallow, merry-go-round, Hello brand-new world,
There is "NO-SIGNAL."

[] 関連歌詞: