歌手: 大原ゆい子
ハマボウの花 無邪気に揺れている
賑やかな彩り いつもの散歩道
君の後ろで 小さな隠れんぼ
すぐ見つけてくれる そんな気がするから
陽だまりの中で 僕らいつまでも
追いかけっこ 転がって
例え話を 地図みたいに広げて
宝物の在処 一緒に探してる
追いかけっこ 転がった
ビー玉に写る空よ 全てを閉じ込めて
君と過ごす日は 時計がなぜだか
壊れたみたいに 時が経っていく
ゆるやかな坂道の 先に辿りつくまで
僕らは変わらない 無邪気に遊びまわるんだ
追いかけっこ 転がった
全てを閉じ込めて いつもでも思い出せるように
hamabou no hana muzyaki ni yu re te iru
nigi yaka na irodo ri itumo no sanpomiti
kun no usi ro de tii sana kaku ren bo
sugu mi tuke te kureru sonna ki ga suru kara
hi damari no naka de boku ra itu made mo
o ikake kko koro gaxtu te
bi- dama mitai na hibi yo
yuruyaka na sakamiti no saki ni ha nani ga aru no kana
tato e banasi wo tizu mitai ni hiro ge te
takaramono no arika issyo ni saga si teru
komo re bi no you ni tuka me nai mono
o ikake kko koro gaxtu ta
bi- dama ni utu ru sora yo sube te wo to zi ko me te
boku ra no natu no omo i de wo
kun to su gosu hi ha tokei ga naze da ka
kowa re ta mitai ni toki ga ta xtu te iku
yuruyaka na sakamiti no saki ni tado ri tuku made
boku ra ha ka wara nai muzyaki ni aso bi mawaru n da
o ikake kko koro gaxtu ta
bi- dama ni utu ru kesiki
sube te wo to zi ko me te itumo demo omo i da seru you ni
itumo omo i da seru you ni
Hamabou flowers swaying innocently
Lively colors, my usual walkway
Behind you, a little hide-and-seek
I have a feeling you'll find me soon
In the sunshine, we'll be together forever
Chasing after each other, rolling along
Our days are like marbles
I wonder what's at the end of the gentle slope
Spreading out our metaphors like a map
We're searching together for the treasure
Like the sunlight filtering through the trees, something I can't grasp
I'm chasing, I'm chasing, I'm chasing, I'm chasing, I'm chasing
the sky in a marble, everything is locked away
I'm looking for the memory of our summer together
The days I spend with you, I don't know why
Time passes like a broken clock.
Till we reach the end of a gentle slope
We're still the same, playing around with our innocence
Chasing after each other Rolling down the road
The view on the marble
We'll lock it all away so that we can always remember
To always remember