



上下左 その次は?
一十百 その次は?
生老病 その次は?
東西南 その次は?

1つ1つ 綺麗にしてやる
普通があるから 異常が恋しい
汚い くだらない 暴いてやる
事情があるから 普通が恋しい

起承転 その次は?
過去今未来 その次は?
陸海空 その次は?
東西南 その次は?

1つ1つ 綺麗にしてやる
普通じゃ無ければ 異常は最低
足りない 戻れない 右から左へ
事情はあるけど 普通でサイコー!

i ku ze bokumetu angya
a tari mae ga oo sugiru
minna tokubetu na n da
a tari mae ga baka sugiru

tabi ha hazi maxtu ta n da
boku ni tuzu keyo minaminasama
miti ha tasi kame nai sa
a tari mae wo ka e ni iko u

zyouge hidari   sono tugi ha ?
一十百   sono tugi ha ?
syouro byou   sono tugi ha ?
higasi seinan   sono tugi ha ?

1 tu 1 tu   kirei ni si te yaru
( asiato wo mina tado re )
hutuu ga aru kara   izyou ga koi sii
( asikase wo ima hazu se )
kitana i   kudaranai   aba i te yaru
( asioto wo ti ni na rase )
koto zyou ga aru kara   hutuu ga koi sii
( waru si yatura ni somu ke )

oki uke korogasi   sono tugi ha ?
kako ima mirai   sono tugi ha ?
rikukaikuu   sono tugi ha ?
higasi seinan   sono tugi ha ?

1 tu 1 tu   kirei ni si te yaru
( asiato wo mina tado re )
hutuu zya na kere ba   izyou ha saitei
( asikase wo ima hazu se )
ta ri nai   modo re nai   migi kara hidari he
( asioto wo ti ni na rase )
zizyou ha aru kedo   hutuu de saiko- !
( waru si yatura ni somu ke )

Let's go on an eradication mission!
There's too much going on.
We're all special.
Too many stupid things to take for granted.

The journey has begun.
Follow me, all of you
We'll never know the way
Let's go change the norm

Up, down, left, right, what's next?
One hundred and ten, then what's next?
Life, aging, sickness. What's next?
East, west, south... What's next?

One by one, I'll clean it up.
(Follow in my footsteps.)
I miss the abnormal because there is normal.
(Take these shackles off me now.)
I'll expose the filth, the nonsense.
(I'm gonna expose it.)
I miss the normal because of the normal.
(I miss normality.)

What's next?
Past, present, future. What's next?
Land, sea, air. What's next?
East, West, South... What's next?

One by one, I'll clean them up.
(Follow in my footsteps.)
If it's not normal, it's not normal at all.
(Take these shackles off me now.)
We're missing. We can't go back. Right to left.
(♪ Footsteps on the ground ♪)
I know things are different, but normal is the best!
(I'm against the wrong people.)

[] 関連歌詞: