歌手: 石垣優
なくしたことを 悲しむよりも
一緒に生きた 時間(とき)を思うだけ
おかえりと 優しく響くあの声
この気持ち もっと言えたかな
今日もわたしは あなたを想う
新しい日々を 歩いていく
だけど涙が あふれちゃうのは
悲しいだけじゃなく 今もそばに
あなたのぬくもり 感じるから
水平線に 沈む夕日
花火の香り 夜を昇り
どうかあなたに 届きますように
変わり続けてく この街で
痛いくらい 今も優しくて
手のひら残る あの温もりは
薄れないままで 明日を照らす
胸の痛みが 途切れないのは
誰より愛して くれていたから
確かにあなたと 生きていたから
声も笑顔も 返しきれない愛も
この想い もし届いてるなら
せめて夢でもう一度 会いたい
今日もわたしは あなたを想う
新しい日々を 歩いていく
晴れ渡る空 あふれていくよ
あなたが残した 優しい光
あなたの笑顔は 今もここに
itumo doo ri no kyou wo i kiru
anata ga i nai hibi wo u meru you ni
naku si ta koto wo kana simu yori mo
issyo ni i ki ta zikan ( toki ) wo omo u dake
ima mo noko xtu teru
okaeri to yasa siku hibi ku ano koe
ano hi ga saigo to si xtu te tara
kono kimo ti motto i e ta kana
kyou mo watasi ha anata wo omo u
atara sii hibi wo aru i te iku
da kedo namida ga ahure tyau no ha
kana sii dake zya naku ima mo soba ni
anata no nukumori kan ziru kara
suiheisen ni sizu mu yuuhi
anata ga i nai natu wo mioku xtu ta
hanabi no kao ri yoru wo nobo ri
dou ka anata ni todo ki masu you ni
ka wari tuzu ke teku kono mati de
hitotu dake tasi ka na koto
watasi wo tutu n da yasa si sa ha
ita i kurai ima mo yasa siku te
te nohira noko ru ano nuku mori ha
usu re nai mama de asita wo te rasu
mune no ita mi ga togi re nai no ha
dare yori ai si te kure te i ta kara
tasi ka ni anata to i ki te i ta kara
zutto wasu re taku nai
koe mo egao mo kae siki re nai ai mo
kono omo i mosi todo i teru nara
semete yume de mou itido a i tai
kyou mo watasi ha anata wo omo u
atara sii hibi wo aru i te iku
ha re wata ru sora ahure te iku yo
anata ga noko si ta yasa sii hikari
anata no egao ha ima mo koko ni
Live today as you always have.
To make up for every day that you're gone.
Instead of grieving for your loss
I only think of the time we lived together
That's all that's left now
That voice that gently echoes, "Welcome home
If I had known that day would be our last
I wonder if I could have said more about how I feel
Today, I still think of you
I'm walking into a new day
But the reason my tears overflow
Not only because I'm sad, but because I can still feel your warmth
Because I can feel your warmth
The sunset on the horizon
I watched the summer go by without you
The scent of fireworks, rising through the night
I hope it reaches you
In this town that keeps changing
One thing is certain
The kindness that enveloped me
It's still so tender that it hurts
The warmth that remains in the palm of my hand
That warmth that remains in my palm will never fade and will light up tomorrow
The pain in my heart is unbroken
Because you loved me more than anyone else
Because I lived with you
I don't want to forget you forever
Your voice, your smile, your love that I can't repay
If you can hear my thoughts and feelings
I want to see you again, at least in my dreams
I'll still think of you today
I'll walk through each new day
The clear sky is overflowing
The gentle light you left behind
Your smile is still here