

どうも~ どつ本から参りました~
ヌルサラこと、白膠木 簓と申します~
今日はピンでどうのこうの! 言うとりますけれども
ほな! いきましょか~

上がる幕 変わる空気 速くなる鼓動
当たるスポットライト 見渡す会場
舞台上 普段通り上げていきましょう
焦り 不安 疑心暗鬼 そんなもんは取っ払い
壇上 上がり容赦ない 腹抱えて止まらない
初めまして一見さん 帰る頃にビリケンさん
掻っ攫うで歓声 みんなお待たせ Ay yo!
38から58 使い分けるMC
ピンからキリ コンビ経てトリを飾るコメディアン
ベシャリまくり 稀に黙り やっぱり喋りまくりたい

On the Stage!
笑わせまShow このアクトにお任せや
On the Stage!
上げてきまShow このアクトにお任せや

芸者たる者 寝ても覚めても いつでも常に探究
Thank you! オオサカ ほんまにあっちゅーま
なんでも出るわ出るわやで ネタの宝庫
エンターテインメント 下手はセメント
上手いは神(ゴッド) これは経験上
空く間に住む悪魔も手懐け 壇上のダンジョンでもあんじょうしてまっせ
ええ加減やなくて ええ(良い)加減
ぬるめやなくて熱い白膠木 簓 肩まで浸からせまっせ

On the Stage!
笑わせまShow このアクトにお任せや
On the Stage!
上げてきまShow このアクトにお任せや

(ぬ)け目ないこのMC 出さないNG 尽きないテクニック
(る)ール無用 玄人 素人 まとめてぶち上げ
(で)っかい夢追いかけて てっぺん取ったんねん

On the Stage!
笑わせまShow このアクトにお任せや
On the Stage!
上げてきまShow このアクトにお任せや

「白膠木 簓」だけに「来るで、またな!」

dou mo ~   dotu bon kara mai ri masi ta ~
nuru sara koto 、 nurude   sasara to mou si masu ~
hudan ha tondemonai kintyou sii no nekketu kyousi to
you wa kara n zisyou ・ sagi si no ottyan to yarasi te moro te masu ga
kyou ha pin de dounokouno !   i u tori masu keredo mo
namae dake demo obo e te kae xtu te ya ~
ho na !   iki masyo ka ~

a garu maku   ka waru kuuki   haya ku naru kodou
a taru supottoraito   miwata su kaizyou
donna o kyaku daro u to ata eru kandou
butai zyou   hudan doo ri a ge te iki masyo u
ase ri   huan   gisinanki   sonna mon ha to xtu para i
danzyou   a gari yousya nai   hara kaka e te to mara nai
hazi me masi te itimi san   kae ru koro ni biriken san
ka xtu sara u de kansei   minna o ma tase   Ay   yo !
38 kara 58   tuka i wa keru MC
pin kara kiri   konbi he te tori wo kaza ru komedhian
besyari makuri   mare ni dama ri   yappari syabe rimakuri tai
atu i n nara ore no sensu ( sensu ) de ao i daru sakai

On the Stage !
wara wa sema Show   kono akuto ni o maka se ya
ka mi si me ta su i mo ama i mo tata ki a ge
kyou no genba kamasu dake
On the Stage !
a ge te kima Show   kono akuto ni o maka se ya
itu datte raku ari ku ari maido ari
honma wa ga miti aru nomi
komedhian ・ rapusodhi

geisya taru sya   ne temo sa metemo   itu demo tune ni tankyuu
Thank you !   oosaka   honma ni axtu tyu- ma
na n demo de ru wa de ru waya de   neta no houko
enta-teinmento   heta ha semento
uma i ha kami ( goddo )   kore ha keiken zyou
a ku aida ni su mu akuma mo tenazu ke   danzyou no danzyon demo anzyou si te maxtu se
potto de ya naku You ( yu ) wa kasu tame
ee kagen ya naku te   ee ( yo i ) kagen
nuru me ya naku te atu i nurude   sasara   kata made tu kara se maxtu se

On the Stage !
wara wa sema Show   kono akuto ni o maka se ya
ka mi si me ta su i mo ama i mo tata ki a ge
kyou no genba kamasu dake
On the Stage !
a ge te kima Show   kono akuto ni o maka se ya
itu datte raku ari ku ari maido ari
honma wa ga miti aru nomi
komedhian ・ rapusodhi

nanihatomoare namihana no okage
na kasa zu wara u made
kono a ki nai akina i inotiga ke
ama su koto naku hirou simaxtu se
( nu ) ke me nai kono MC   da sa nai NG   tu kinai tekunikku
( ru ) - ru muyou   kurouto   sirouto   matome te buti a ge
( de ) xtu kai yume o ikake te   teppen to xtu tannen
sa xa sa xa rasuto made wara wa se taru de

On the Stage !
wara wa sema Show   kono akuto ni o maka se ya
ka mi si me ta su i mo ama i mo tata ki a ge
kyou no genba kamasu dake
On the Stage !
a ge te kima Show   kono akuto ni o maka se ya
itu datte raku ari ku ari maido ari
honma wa ga miti aru nomi
komedhian ・ rapusodhi

dou mo dou mo dou mo ~
koko made nanyakanya i u tori masu keredo mo
utage mo takenawa
enzyoi deke ta ka ?
tte oi
syare i u tehen de syarei wata se
tte na kan zi de
kongo mo anzyou yara se te morai masu
「 nurude   sasara 」 dake ni 「 ku ru de 、 mata na ! 」
ho na ! sainara ~

Hello~ I'm from Dotsuhon!
My name is Nurusara, or Jyotsu Rake Shirajoki~!
I'm usually a hot-blooded teacher who's extremely nervous.
and a self-proclaimed scam artist who I have no idea what he's talking about.
But today, I'm here on pins and needles! I'm just saying...
Just remember my name and go home!
Well then! Let's go!

The curtain rises, the air changes, the heart beats faster.
The spotlight shining on you, the audience looking around.
No matter who you are, you'll be impressed.
Let's go onstage and do what we normally do.
Let's get rid of impatience, anxiety, doubt, and anxiety
Up on the stage, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up
Nice to meet you at first sight, but by the time you leave, you'll be Billiken
Cheers for the "Scratch and claw"!
38 to 58, the MCs use different styles.
From 38 to 58, a comedian who uses a variety of styles.
He's always talking, sometimes he's silent, sometimes he's talking, but he's still talking
If it's too hot, I'll fan you with my fan

On the Stage!
Let this act make you laugh!
I've had my fill of both the sweet and the sour
I'll just do today's scene
On the Stage!
I'm going to bring it up Show Leave it to this act
There's always a good time, there's always a bad time, there's always a good time, there's always a bad time
There's only one way to go
Comedian Rhapsody

As a geisha, I'm always inquiring, whether I'm asleep or awake
Thank you!
Anything goes, anything comes out, a treasure trove of material
Entertainment, if you're not good, you're cement
Good is God, from my experience
You can even tame the demons that live in the empty rooms, and you'll find them in the dungeon on the stage.
Not to pop out of nowhere, but to boil water for you
Not just right, but just right
Not lukewarm, but hot, not lukewarm, but hot, not lukewarm, but hot, not lukewarm, but hot, not lukewarm, but hot

On the Stage!
I'll make you laugh, leave it to this act
We've had it all, the sour and the sweet, we've had it all
I'm just going to show you today's scene
On the Stage!
I'm going to bring it up Show Leave it to this act
There's always a good time, there's always a bad time, there's always a good time, there's always a bad time
There's only one way to go
Comedian Rhapsody

After all, it's all thanks to Naniwa
till we laugh without crying
I'll risk my life in this never-ending business
I'll show you everything I've got
(This MC with no flaws, no nonsense, no endless techniques
(No need to use any of it, amateurs and experts alike, we'll put it all together and blow it all up!
(Chasing a big dream, I've reached the top!
Come on, let's make them laugh till the end!

On the Stage!
Leave it to this act!
We've had our fill of both the sweet and the sour, and we're ready to take on today's scene
We're just going to make you laugh at today's scene
On the Stage!
I'm going to bring it up Show Leave it to this act
There's always a good time, there's always a bad time, there's always a good time, there's always a bad time
There's only one way to go
Comedian Rhapsody

Thank you, thank you, thank you~
I've said a lot so far, but...
The party is almost over
Did you have a good time?
Oh, come on!
Don't be silly, give me the gratuity!
And so on and so forth.
I'll be happy to do it again in the future.
I'll be back!
Bye! Bye!

[] 関連歌詞: