

えんぴつで絵を描いた 絵を描いた 人魚の絵を
「なぜそんな絵を描くの 絵を描くの」って訊かれたら
何年も先の未来 こちらはエスエフのように
おおよそディストピア ディストピアってなんだろうね
もう何十年 動かしてきた体を失っても
歯車はまわるブリキのブレーメン 奏でるよ

通りのカフェに行こう バーに行こう 「久しぶりです」
なんて言おうと思った 店は開かない もう二度と
何万回も生まれ変われない 不死身の猫じゃないから

ガチャガチャな世界 深い夜のキッチンの隅で

enpitu de e wo ka i ta   e wo ka i ta   ningyo no e wo
「 naze sonna e wo ka ku no   e wo ka ku no 」 tte ki ka re tara
kota e rare naku te ega ke naku naxtu ta
nannen mo saki no mirai   kotira ha esuehu no you ni
ooyoso dhisutopia   dhisutopia tte na n daro u ne
yuuki wo da si te su ki na e wo ka i te
mou nani 十 nen   ugo kasi te ki ta karada wo usina xtu te mo
haguruma ha mawaru buriki no bure-men   kana deru yo
si- … si- … ki koeru kai
singu ・ a ・ songu ・ huromu ・ yu-foria
tiisana abuku ni naxtu te ningyo ha mata u mare te kuru

doo ri no kafe ni i ko u   ba- ni i ko u   「 hisa siburi desu 」
nante i o u to omo xtu ta   mise ha hira ka nai   mou 二 do to
ki zuka re nai you ni si nu neko no you ni
ato nankai no natu wo issyo ni atu gaxtu tari suru no daro u
kyonen yori mo hayaku aki ga su gi te mo dekakeyo u
watasi ha uta u n da
singu ・ a ・ songu ・ huromu ・ yu-foria
nani man kai mo u mare ka wa re nai   huzimi no neko zya nai kara

reko-do ha mawara naku te mo atama ni kana deru yo
kitai si ta tte ii sa
singu ・ a ・ songu ・ huromu ・ yu-foria
gatyagatya na sekai   huka i yoru no kittin no sumi de

I drew a picture with a pencil, a picture of a mermaid.
When someone asked me, "Why do you draw those pictures, you draw pictures?"
I couldn't answer, so I couldn't paint.
Many years in the future, this is like S.F.
I wonder what dystopia is.
I got up the courage to paint a picture I like.
I've been moving my body for decades... and now I'm going to lose it.
The gears are turning, Tin Bremen, they're playing.
Shhh... shhh... can you hear me?
Sing a song from Euphoria
I'll be a little flycatcher and the mermaid will be born again

Let's go to the café down the street Let's go to the bar
I was gonna say, "Long time no see," but the bar won't open... not again
Like a cat that dies unnoticed
I wonder how many more summers we'll spend together in the heat
Let's go out even if autumn passes earlier than last year
I'll sing a song
Sing a song from Euphoria
I'm not an immortal cat that can't be reborn a million times

The record may not spin, but I'll still play it in my head
You can count on it
Sing a song from Euphoria
In a messed up world, deep in the night, in the corner of the kitchen

[] 関連歌詞: