

もういい加減 黙って 指図しないで

触れては 増える苛立ち
何もかもが 合わない
何様のつもりで 居るの
二度と顔も 見たくないや

もう充分でしょ これ以上意味なんてない
君はね 0でもない 形にもなれない
揺れる 揺れる その胸の感触
どう考えても 結論なんてないから
Yeah… I hate you lalala…


覚めれば ざわめく身体

もう充分でしょ これ以上意味なんてない
君はね 0でもない 形にもなれない
揺れる 揺れる その胸の感触
どう考えても 結論なんてないから
Yeah… I hate you lalala…

I don’t care if you die out.

ah 馬鹿みたいだ
君の事 思えない

もう充分でしょ これ以上意味なんてない
君はね 0でもない 形にもなれない
揺れる 揺れる その胸の感触
どう考えても 結論なんてないから
Yeah… I hate you lalala…

I hate you I hate you
I hate you I…
I hate you I hate you
Don’t give a shit no more
I hate you I hate you
I hate you I…
I hate you I hate you
I hate you

mou ii kagen  dama xtu te  sasizu si nai de
kun no kotoba mo koe mo sigusa mo
dore mo kore mo kira i da
hu re te ha  hu eru irada ti
nani mokamo ga  a wa nai
nanisama no tumori de  i ru no
二 do to kao mo  mi taku nai ya
ki e te
mou zyuubun desyo  kore izyou imi nante nai
kun ha ne  demo nai  katati ni mo na re nai
yu reru  yu reru  sono mune no kansyoku
dou kanga e te mo  keturon nante nai kara
muda da ne
Yeah... I hate you lalala...
watasi wo tuka xtu te mi tasu
ziko kenziyoku
10 hun sokora no syoboi undou
tai sita koto mo nai noni
taisou ni dekai taido
sa mere ba  zawameku sintai
are mo sore mo ta ri nai
nanisama ni mo na re nai desyo
itido kiri mo yuru sa nai
mou zyuubun desyo  kore izyou imi nante nai
kun ha ne  demo nai  katati ni mo na re nai
yu reru  yu reru  sono mune no kansyoku
dou kanga e te mo  keturon nante nai kara
muda da ne
Yeah... I hate you lalala...
I don't care if you die out.
ah  baka mitai da
taikutu de tumaranai
kun no koto  omo e nai
ni ge taku te tama ranai
nemu ri ni tui ta
yume no naka de ha mou
kun no sugata ha doko ni mo na i
sube te ke si te simaxtu te
mou zyuubun desyo  kore izyou imi nante nai
kun ha ne  demo nai  katati ni mo na re nai
yu reru  yu reru  sono mune no kansyoku
dou kanga e te mo  keturon nante nai kara
muda da ne
Yeah... I hate you lalala...
I hate you I hate you
I hate you I...
I hate you I hate you
Don't give a shit no more
I hate you I hate you
I hate you I...
I hate you I hate you
I hate you

Enough of this. Shut up. Don't tell me what to do.
Your words, your voice, your gestures.
I hate every single one of them.

Every time I touch you, I get more and more frustrated.
Everything doesn't fit.
Who the hell do you think you are?
I never want to see you again.

Go away.
You've done enough. You don't mean anything to me anymore.
You're nothing. You're nothing. You're nothing. You're nothing.
You're not nothing, you're not a shape, you're not a shape, you're not a shape...
I don't know what to think, because there's no conclusion to it.
You're wasting your time
Yeah... I hate you lalala...

You use me to fulfill
Ten minutes or so of shitty exercise
I don't even know what I'm talking about
I'm a big girl with a big attitude

When I wake up, my body's in turmoil
You don't have enough of this or that.
You can't be anyone you want to be.
Not even once.

You've had enough. You don't mean anything anymore.
You're nothing, you're nothing, you're nothing, you're nothing.
You can't be anything more than a shape.
I don't know what to think, because there's no conclusion to it.
You're wasting your time
Yeah... I hate you lalala...

I don't care if you die out

ah I feel like an idiot
Boring, boring, boring.
I can't think about you
I can't stand to run away
I've fallen asleep
In my dreams.
You're nowhere to be found

It's all gone.
That's enough. You don't mean anything anymore.
You're nothing. You're nothing. You're nothing.
I can feel your breasts... swaying, swaying, swaying.
I don't know what to think, because there's no conclusion to it.
You're wasting your time
Yeah... I hate you lalala...

I hate you I hate you
I hate you I...
I hate you I hate you
Don't give a shit no more
I hate you I hate you
I hate you I...
I hate you I hate you
I hate you

[] 関連歌詞: