歌手: Aimer
ただ そこに藍(あい)を落とした
派手に色を溶かす夜に 銀朱の月を添えて
光も痛みも怒りも全部 抱きしめて
選ばれなければ 選べばいい
声よ 轟け 夜のその向こうへ
涙で滲んでた あんなに遠くの景色まで響き渡れ
何を奏でて? 誰に届けたくて?
どんなに暗い感情も どんなに長い葛藤も
歌と散れ 残響
派手な色も負かす様に 深紅の香(か)こそあはれ
抱いた夢の灯りを全部 辿るだけ
逃げ出すため ここまで来たんじゃないだろ?
選ばれなければ 選べばいい
声をからして 燃える花のように
どんなに深い後悔も どんなに高い限界も
掻き消して 残響
Aimer – 残響散歌 Romaji Lyrics
dare ga sode ni sa ku genka ( genka )
tada soko ni ai ( ai ) wo o tosi ta
hade ni iro wo to kasu yoru ni ginsyu no tuki wo so e te
koro garu you ni kaze wo ki xtu te
tumazu ku gotoni tuyo ku naxtu ta
hikari mo ita mi mo ika ri mo zenbu ida kisime te
era ba re nakere ba era be ba ii
koe yo todoro ke yoru no sono mu kou he
namida de si n de ta anna ni too ku no kesiki made hibi ki wata re
nani wo kana de te ? dare ni todo ke taku te ?
hutasi ka na mama de ii
donna ni kura i kanzyou mo donna ni naga i kattou mo
uta to ti re zankyou
tada hitori ma u senya
tiga e nai obi ( tai ) wo musu be ba
hade na iro mo ma kasu you ni sinku no kou ( ka ) koso a hare
kono saki donna turai toki mo
kutisaki yori mo mune wo ha xtu te
ida i ta yume no tomo ri wo zenbu tado ru dake
ni ge da su tame koko made ki ta n zya nai daro ?
era ba re nakere ba era be ba ii
koe wo karasi te mo eru hana no you ni
yami kan wo te rasi tara
aimai su giru seikai mo humen ni si te
yoru wo kazo e te asa wo ega ku you na
aza yaka na oto ( ne ) wo na rasu
donna ni huka i koukai mo donna ni taka i genkai mo
ka ki ke si te zankyou
Aimer – 残響散歌 歌詞 翻訳
Who is the flower that blooms on your sleeve?
I just dropped some indigo there
With a silvery vermilion moon in the night that melts the colors flamboyantly
I cut the wind as I rolled
Each time I stumbled, I grew stronger
Embracing all the light, pain, and anger
If you can’t be chosen, choose me
Roar, my voice, to the other side of the night
It was soaked with tears, echoing across the landscape so far away
What are you playing? Who are you trying to reach?
It’s okay to be uncertain
No matter how dark the feeling, no matter how long the struggle
Sing and scatter, reverberations
Just one thousand nights of dancing
If you tie an unchanging belt
I’ll be able to beat the flashy colors, and the crimson scent will be all right
No matter what hard times lie ahead
I’ll keep the light of the dream
I’ll just follow all the lights of the dreams I’ve held
You didn’t come all this way to escape, did you?
If you’re not chosen, then choose.
Like a flower that burns with a loud voice
If you shine in the darkness
Even if the right answer is too vague, make it into a musical score
Like counting the nights and drawing the mornings
Like counting the nights and drawing the mornings, I’ll make a vivid sound
No matter how deep the regret, no matter how high the limit
drown out the reverberations