歌手: Yamagoro
作曲:Lady John Douglas Alicia Scott
何も見えなくて 手を伸ばせば
あなたの気配を 感じ取れる
遠くに居て 届かなくて
でもいつも 私を 見守ってくれる
道に迷っていた そんな時も
耳をすませば 聴こえてくる
前を向いて 歩き出せば
独り息を吸い 暗い中で
瞳を閉じれば 思い出せる
手を握って 連れて行って
nani mo mi e naku te te wo no base ba
anata no kehai wo kan zi to reru
too ku ni i te todo ka naku te
demo itumo watasi wo mimamo xtu te kureru
miti ni mayo xtu te i ta sonna toki mo
mimi wosumaseba ki koe te kuru
mae wo mu i te aru ki da se ba
koe no suru tokoro ni
anata ga ma xtu teru
hito ri iki wo su i kura i naka de
hitomi wo to zire ba omo i da seru
te wo nigi xtu te tu re te i xtu te
anata no i ru toko de
ituka ha issyo ni
I can't see anything. Give me your hand.
I can feel your breath.
It's too far to reach.
But you will always be there for me.
Even when I'm lost.
Listen and hear.
Just step forward
Where there is sound, there is sound.
You're waiting
Hold your breath, in the dark
Close your eyes and you'll remember
Hold your hand and take me there
Where you are.
One day we will be together.