


上司の口癖はいつも とりあえずやってみろよ
後のことはひとまず 気にしなくていいから
後輩の尻拭いさえも 給料に含まれてる
全力で振ってみなきゃ なんにも見えぬ

グラス傾けながら 笑い飛ばした僕の不安
目の前の靄は消え去り もう光が差してきた

どうもありがとう 救われました
軽い口調で サラリと見せてる
希望の明日に 力は抜けて 進む勇気が湧いた

上司になった私にも いつかきっと来るだろう
同じように悩める 部下に言葉を掛ける
後輩の尻拭いなんて 引き受けられるほどの
余裕がない事実に 焦っている

同じセリフを言って 笑い飛ばせたらいいのに
まだあんな風になれない もう時間が迫ってる

どうもありがとう 救われました
希望の明日を見せてあげたい 背中押したい

どうもありがとう 目標ができた
希望の明日に 力みなぎる 進むための勇気

あなたの良いとこ 見せないとこも
導いてくれて どうもありがとう

空想委員会 – 1783 Romaji Lyrics

zyousi no kutiguse ha itumo   toriaezu yaxtu te miro yo
go no koto ha hitomazu   ki ni si naku te ii kara
kouhai no sirinugu i sae mo   kyuuryou ni huku ma re teru
zenryoku de hu xtu te mi nakya   nannimo mi e nu

gurasu katamu ke nagara   wara i to basi ta boku no huan
me no mae no moya ha ki e sa ri   mou hikari ga sa si te ki ta

doumo arigatou   suku wa re masi ta
karu i kutyou de   sararito mi se teru
kibou no asita ni   tikara ha nu ke te   susu mu yuuki ga wa i ta

zyousi ni naxtu ta watasi ni mo   ituka kitto ku ru daro u
ona ziyouni naya meru   buka ni kotoba wo ka keru
kouhai no sirinugu i nante   hi ki u ke rareru hodo no
yoyuu ga nai zizitu ni   ase xtu te iru

ona zi serihu wo i xtu te   wara i to ba se tara ii noni
mada anna huu ni na re nai   mou zikan ga sema xtu teru

doumo arigatou   suku wa re masi ta
sonna serihu i wa re te mi tai kedo
kibou no asita wo mi se te age tai   senaka o si tai

doumo arigatou   mokuhyou ga deki ta
karu i kutyou da kedo omo mi ga tiga u
kibou no asita ni   tikara minagiru   susu mu tame no yuuki

anata no yo i toko   mi se nai toko mo
zenbu huku me sinsoko akoga reru
mitibi i te kure te   doumo arigatou
ituka anata no you ni

空想委員会 – 1783 歌詞 翻訳

My boss always says, “Just do it.
You don’t have to worry about the rest for now.
Even cleaning up after your junior staff is included in your salary.
If you don’t give it your all, you’ll never see anything

My anxiety I laughed it off as I tipped my glass
The haze in front of my eyes has vanished and the light has already begun to shine

Thank you very much. You’ve saved my life.
I’ve been saved.
The hope of a brighter tomorrow has lifted my spirits and given me the courage to move forward.

Now that I’m a boss, I’m sure it’ll come to me someday.
I’ll be able to speak to my subordinates who are suffering in the same way.
I don’t have enough time to take on the responsibility of cleaning up the mess of my junior staff.
I’m getting impatient with the fact that I can’t afford to clean up my junior staff.

I wish I could say the same thing and laugh it off
I can’t be like that yet. My time is almost up.

Thank you very much. You saved my life.
I wish I could say that to you.
I wish I could show you a better tomorrow I wish I could give you a push

Thank you so much. I have a goal now.
I’ve got a goal.
I want to show you a hopeful tomorrow I have the courage to go forward

The good things about you, the things you don’t show
I admire you with all my heart
Thank you for guiding me.
One day, I’ll be just like you.

[] 関連歌詞: