曲名:霊峰 Blues (feat. MCM)


霊峰やみ夜に響かす音色 覆す抵抗し続けた面倒
魂は赤く光り成長 鎮座する富岳の懐を継承 念頭じゃ常に鳴る警報 考えを発してこその人生を組み立てる言動を遠投
裏切り絶望を超えて向かう吹き溜まり でまた繋がり暗がりで音に跨り
七転八倒連続も真っ当 自陣広げやっとfumotoへと滑走 異論ねぇーよ相棒 御殿場マイロードかける霧で毎度 煙にまくバビロン

脳裏と心に残した郷里 警戒レベル常時 K点越えの日常 統治する終始 転換期 芽生えつむぐ守るものの責任 家族ツレと死んだあいつ
変わりゆく日常 変わらない地元
学び大きローカル この先はどうなる?
自己中は懲りず絶えずアップダウン繰り返す 富士山でキャンプ地に根を張って生きてる
ステップアップ東京 ステイドリーム同郷
修羅場?遊び そぐわぬ 体裁だけじゃ遠慮
鍋振る 肉捌く マイク掴む 昼と夜のギャップ チャプルー 音技と俺のタッグ
男同士銭湯 親父のラップ 口ずさむ
ダウトなしの愛情 注ぐかけがえのない息子
自分以上無限大に尊う 眉間のシワも綻ぶ 今を強く生きる、霊峰ブルース

いなせな風 老いぼれと雨 まっさらな艶
薄汚れたジャケット 半か丁の賭け
是か非か訳 御託並べ心ゆくまで

通すミオ筋 一富士二鷹三茄子纏う空気 持ってdoing 遅ばせながらもkeep on movin ドミネートするビートマウントポジション小細工抜き ブービーから這い上がるオールドルーキーズ ライムするリーズンは着の身着のまま 終わらせる言い分深い霧の中と 終わらない感情勝る意の中 故のわがまま(アハ)あるがまま 有り余った感情 夢のなりたかったあの カリスマは何処?あんな飲みたかった水も 今は枯れちまった場所 思い浮かべながらさながら歩んでく学びは続く 燻らせる煙と俺達のブルース 家族守り抜く ため泥臭い労働に身を削る 合間奏でるグルーブ

いなせな風 老いぼれと雨 まっさらな艶
薄汚れたジャケット 半か丁の賭け
是か非か訳 御託並べ心ゆくまで

me wo ko rasi misu eru ku rasi
reihou yami yo ni hibi kasu neiro   kutugae su teikou si tuzu ke ta mendou
endo ro-ru made sute-zi kake keru 0 ℃ sitamawa ru gokkan wo ettou
tamasii ha aka ku hika ri seityou   tinza suru hugaku no hutokoro wo keisyou nentou zya tune ni na ru keihou   kanga e wo haxtu si te koso no zinsei wo ku mi ta teru gendou wo entou
mo-risu maro-n ki te i ta touzi nazoru
seizyaku ni to u hodo ni nozo mu dope na kyou
uragi ri zetubou wo ko e te mu kau hu ki da mari   de mata tuna gari kura gari de oto ni mataga ri
sittenbattou renzoku mo ma xtu tou   zizin hiro ge yatto fumoto he to kassou   iron nexe - yo aibou   gotenba mai ro-do kakeru kiri de maido kemuri ni maku babiron

nouri to kokoro ni noko si ta kyouri   keikai reberu zyouzi   K ten go e no nitizyou   touti suru syuusi   tenkanki   meba e tumugu mamo ru monono sekinin   kazoku ture to si n da aitu
ga wari yuku nitizyou   ka wara nai zimoto
mana bi oo ki ro-karu   kono saki ha dou naru ?
zikotyuu ha ko ri zu ta e zu appudaun ku ri kae su   huzisan de kyanpu ti ni ne wo ha xtu te i ki teru
suteppu appu toukyou   sutei dori-mu doukyou
syuraba ? aso bi   soguwa nu   teisai dake zya enryo
nabe hu ru   niku saba ku   maiku tuka mu   hiru to yoru no gyappu   tya puru-   oto waza to ore no taggu
otokodousi sentou   oyazi no rappu   kuti zusamu
dauto nasi no aizyou   soso gu kakegaenonai musuko
zibun izyou mugendai ni touto u   miken no siwamo hokoro bu   ima wo tuyo ku i kiru 、 reihou buru-su

inase na kaze   o ibore to ame   massara na tuya
usuyogo re ta zyaketto   han ka tyou no ka ke
ze ka hi ka wake   gotaku nara be kokoro yukumade

too su mio suzi   itihuzinitakasannasubi mato u kuuki mo xtu te doing oso ba se nagara mo keep on movin domine-to suru bi-to maunto pozisyon kozaiku nu ki   bu-bi- kara ha i a garu o-rudo ru-ki-zu   raimu suru ri-zun ha ki no miki nomama   o wara seru i i bun huka i kiri no naka to   o wara nai kanzyou masa ru i no naka   yue no wagamama ( aha ) arugamama   a ri ama xtu ta kanzyou   yume no nari takaxtu ta ano   karisuma ha doko ? anna no mi takaxtu ta mizu mo   ima ha ka re timaxtu ta basyo   omo i u kabe nagara sanagara ayu n deku mana bi ha tuzu ku   ibu ra seru kemuri to ore tati no buru-su   kazoku mamo ri nu ku   tame dorokusa i roudou ni mi wo kezu ru   aima kana deru guru-bu

inase na kaze   o ibore to ame   massara na tuya
usuyogo re ta zyaketto   han ka tyou no ka ke
ze ka hi ka wake   gotaku nara be kokoro yukumade

Staring life
Overthrow the timbre echoing in Lingfeng and night, and continue to resist the trouble.
You can enter the end-roller stage and overwinter in extreme cold below 0℃
The soul emits red light and inherits the arms of Fuyue, who lives in the town of growth. Only by sending out the alarm idea that rings from time to time can we assemble the words and deeds of life.
Imitate when wearing Maurice Malone
Silent today.
Connected together in the stagnant water beyond betrayal and despair, crossing the sound in the dark.
After 778 consecutive falls, I went all out and finally slipped to fumoto smoothly. There is no objection, man. The royal palace field, Babylon is shrouded in fog every time.

The alert level of hometown in mind and heart often exceeds the daily rule of K, and always maintains the responsibility of the budding person in the transition period, the guy who died with the resentment of his family.
The ever-changing daily life is unchanging in the local area
What will happen in the future if you study in a big place
I am living in the camp on Mount Fuji, which keeps going up and down.
Advanced Tokyo Steed Dream Fellowship
Xiuluochang? Don't just look bad.
Wave the pot meat, grab the microphone, grab the gap between day and night, chirp, vocal skills and my partner.
The men hummed their father's rap in the bathhouse.
Selfless love, irreplaceable son
Living in a time when I pay more attention to the infinite brow wrinkles than myself, Lingfeng Bruce

The scarecrow is dusty and stormy.
A bet of half a broken jacket or a few tons
Anyway, please take care of me.

Wear, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build, build. Take a ride, take a ride, take a ride, take a ride, take a ride, take a ride, imagine where the water you want to drink is withered now, and study while walking is a groove interspersed with hard work to continue the smoky smoke and protect our Bruce family.

The scarecrow is dusty and stormy.
A bet of half a broken jacket or a few tons
Anyway, please take care of me.

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