歌手: RuLu
知らないフリはナンセンス 思い当たる節くらいあるでしょ?
故に じっとしてサイレンス 裏切りのお味はいかが?
だっせーパジャマ 一生一緒 お話も浮気です 言わずもがな
滑稽 馬鹿め 執行 執行 夜遊び 罰当たり
元気してた? 化けてでてきたよ 一人には慣れなくて
欲を言えば お昼ランチしない? 可愛い服着たいな
それはさておき 君を手ほどき 外はどきどき 化かしあい
恋は駆け落ち 現世出戻り 墓穴掘るのは こりごり
だっせーパジャマ 一生一緒 お話も浮気です 言わずもがな
滑稽 馬鹿め 執行 執行 夜遊び 罰当たり
悪く言えば これは異常事態 家族には言えません・・
逆にいえば 余程ないご機会 あれやこれも叶えたい
弾む脳内 僕のエゴのみ 少女 まさかの黄泉がえり
日々のまにまに 潜む幻 おてて合わせて「「 お祈り」」
かってー 頭 説教 説教 驚くこと無かれ 愛は盲目
うっせー釈迦に説法 絶 許 死因はサイコパス!?
だっせーパジャマ 一生一緒 お話も浮気です 言わずもがな
滑稽 馬鹿め 執行 執行 夜遊び 罰当たり
si ra nai huri ha nansensu omo i a taru husi kurai aru desyo ?
yue ni zitto si te sairensu uragi ri no o azi ha ikaga ?
daxtu se - pazyama issyou issyo o hanasi mo uwaki desu i wazumogana
odoke baka me sikkou sikkou yoaso bi batia tari
genki si te ta ? ba ke te de te ki ta yo hitori ni ha na re naku te
yoku wo i e ba o hiru ranti si nai ? kawai i huku ki tai na
sorehasateoki kimi wo te hodoki soto ha dokidoki ba kasiai
koi ha ka ke o ti gense demodo ri boketu ho ru no ha korigori
daxtu se - pazyama issyou issyo o hanasi mo uwaki desu i wazumogana
odoke baka me sikkou sikkou yoaso bi batia tari
waru ku i e ba kore ha izyouzitai kazoku ni ha i e mase n ・ ・
gyaku ni ie ba yohodo nai go kikai are ya kore mo kana e tai
hazu mu nounai boku no ego nomi syouzyo masaka no kousen gaeri
hibi no manimani hiso mu maborosi otete a wase te 「 「 o ino ri 」 」
kaxtu te- atama sekkyou sekkyou odoro ku koto na kare ai ha moumoku
uxtu se - syaka ni seppou tayuru moto siin ha saikopasu ! ?
daxtu se - pazyama issyou issyo o hanasi mo uwaki desu i wazumogana
odoke baka me sikkou sikkou yoaso bi batia tari
uragi ri no o azi ha ikaga ?
Pretend you don't know, can you at least think of nonsense chapters?
So what does it taste like to be motionless and silent?
Because pajamas talking together all their lives is also an affair, needless to say.
The funny fool was punished for performing a night tour.
Are you okay? Became a monster, I'm not used to being alone.
Speaking of which, how about lunch? I really want to wear cute clothes
Let's not talk about it for the time being, except for letting you go, everything else is very nervous.
Love is eloping, returning to this world, and can't stand digging graves.
Because pajamas talking together all their lives is also an affair, needless to say.
The funny fool was punished for performing a night tour.
To tell the truth, this can't tell the families of abnormal events.
On the other hand, I also want to realize the rare opportunity and this.
Only my ego is excited in my brain, and the girl's unexpected death is back.
Every day is in a hidden vision, which adds up to "prayer"
Love is blind, don't be surprised.
Gloomily, the teaching method must not cause death from mental patients! ?
Because pajamas talking together all their lives is also an affair, needless to say.
The funny fool was punished for performing a night tour.
How does betrayal taste?