歌手: 南條愛乃
作曲:日高勇輝(Elements Garden)
誰が為に戦う 鋭い瞳で見据えてる
その未来の先に 何を見つめる
黒髪を靡かせ 蝶のように舞う戦乙女よ
鮮やかに今 明日を切り拓け
護りたい 夢があるなら
どんな運命だって 宿命だって
恐れず 踏み込んで行け
一筋光る その一閃が
迷う心 弱さごと断ち切ってゆく
涙 流し続けた あの過去さえも
熱い想い 覚悟決めた
優しい心 離れていても見守ってる
穿て 疾風の矢に 雷(いかづち)を
さあ その刃で切り 咲いて行け
出会ったあの時を 忘れはしない
夢を追う背中を 見送る言葉【いってらっしゃい】は御守りで
羽根が傷付いたなら 帰っておいで
わずかでも 一歩は一歩
過去も後悔も まとめて
いつの日か夢を見た 明日に繋がってる
君を想う 千の夜が
祈りになり いつか道を照らすだろう
抱く気高い誇り 曲げないでいて
滾る想い 情熱も
あの日 見送った言葉【おかえり】の続きを
ああ 今日も飽きずに ずっと待っている
手の温もりだって 熱さだって
互いに 分かち合える
一筋光る その一閃が
迷う心 弱さごと断ち切ってゆく
涙 流し続けた あの過去さえも
熱い想い 覚悟決めた
優しい心 離れていても見守ってる
穿て 疾風の矢に 雷(いかづち)を
さあ その刃で切り 咲いて行け
dare ga tame ni tataka u surudo i hitomi de misu e teru
sono mirai no saki ni nani wo mi tumeru
kurokami wo nabi kase tyou no you ni ma u ikusa otome yo
aza yaka ni ima asita wo ki ri hira ke
mamo ri tai yume ga aru nara
donna unmei datte syukumei datte
oso re zu hu mi ko n de i ke
hitosuzi hika ru sono issen ga
mayo u kokoro yowa sa goto ta ti ki xtu te yuku
namida naga si tuzu ke ta ano kako sae mo
atu i omo i kakugo ki me ta
yasa sii kokoro hana re te i te mo mimamo xtu teru
uga te sippuu no ya ni kaminari ( ikazuti ) wo
saa sono ha de ki ri sa i te i ke
hu ri kae ru zikan no natu kasi sa ni mi wo yuda ne teru
dea xtu ta ano toki wo wasu re ha si nai
yume wo o u senaka wo mioku ru kotoba 【 ixtu te rassyai 】 ha omo ri de
hane ga kizutu i ta nara kae xtu te oide
wazuka demo 一 po ha 一 po
kako mo koukai mo matome te
itu no hi ka yume wo mi ta asita ni tuna gaxtu teru
kun wo omo u 千 no yoru ga
ino ri ni nari ituka miti wo te rasu daro u
ida ku kedaka i hoko ri ma ge nai de i te
tagi ru omo i zyounetu mo
soko ni inoti are ba koso to wasu re nai de
ano hi mioku xtu ta kotoba 【 okaeri 】 no tuzu ki wo
aa kyou mo a ki zu ni zutto ma xtu te iru
tuna gi a u tanin ( hito ) ga iru kara
te no nuku mori datte atu sa datte
taga ini wa kati a eru
hitosuzi hika ru sono issen ga
mayo u kokoro yowa sa goto ta ti ki xtu te yuku
namida naga si tuzu ke ta ano kako sae mo
atu i omo i kakugo ki me ta
yasa sii kokoro hana re te i te mo mimamo xtu teru
uga te sippuu no ya ni kaminari ( ikazuti ) wo
saa sono ha de ki ri sa i te i ke
Who stares with keen eyes that fight for it?
Staring at what in front of that future
A war girl who lifts her black hair and flies like a butterfly
Clearly explore the present and tomorrow.
If you have a dream to protect.
Any fate is fate.
Don't be afraid, get in.
The flash that passed by.
Even the confused heart is cut off together
Even the past that has been crying.
Eager idea, I've decided.
Even if I am separated by a gentle heart, I will guard it.
Be furious with the arrow of the wind
Come on, cut with that blade.
Committed to the remembrance of the time in retrospect.
I will never forget the time when we met.
Seeing the back of chasing dreams is a talisman.
If the feather is injured, go back.
step by step
The past and regret are summed up together
One day it will be connected with the dreamy tomorrow.
A thousand nights of missing you.
Become a prayer, and it will light up the road one day.
Hold high, don't be proud,
Surging ideas, enthusiasm
Don't forget that there is life there.
Follow up the words [Welcome Back] that I watched that day.
Ah, I've been waiting tirelessly today, too
Because there are interconnected people.
The warmth of hands is also heat.
Share with each other
The flash that passed by.
Even the confused heart is cut off together
Even the past that has been crying.
Eager idea, I've decided.
Even if I am separated by a gentle heart, I will guard it.
Be furious with the arrow of the wind
Come on, cut with that blade.