歌手: 悒うつぼ
ジュース買ってあげるわ 奢ってあげるわ
未だか 目に余る程の御馳走 涎が垂れそう
買ってあげるわ 奢ってあげるわ
未だか 涙の一つも無い 押っ魂消た
折角の取って置きも知られてしまったよ もう
ジュース買ってあげるわ 奢ってあげるわ
未だか 糸目の付けないプレゼントで部屋が埋もれそう
買ってあげるわ 奢ってあげるわ
持ち切れない幸せにも慣れてしまったよ もう
見るからに貰ったばかりの約束 掘り炬燵に忘れる
ジュース買ってあげるわ 奢ってあげるわ
未だか 目に余る程の御馳走 涎が垂れそう
買ってあげるわ 奢ってあげるわ
未だか 涙の一つも無い 押っ魂消た
zyu-su ka xtu te ageru wa ogo xtu te ageru wa
ima da ka me ni ama ru hodo no gotisou yodare ga ta re sou
ka xtu te ageru wa ogo xtu te ageru wa
ima da ka namida no hito tu mo na i osae xtu tamage ta
baka na
sentakuki ga mawa xtu te iru suki ni muda na koto wo
sekkaku no to tte o ki mo si ra re te simaxtu ta yo mou
niku tarasii kutu no naka no isi ga to keru
ha reyaka de kibun ga yo i wa
zyu-su ka xtu te ageru wa ogo xtu te ageru wa
ima da ka itome no tu ke nai purezento de heya ga uzu more sou
ka xtu te ageru wa ogo xtu te ageru wa
mottaina i ka ri wo tuku xtu te anata ni ageru wa
sentakuki ga mawa xtu te iru suki ni muda na koto wo
mo ti ki re nai siawa se ni mo na re te simaxtu ta yo mou
mi ru kara ni mora xtu ta bakari no yakusoku ho ri gotatu ni wasu reru
a e te ure sii wa
zyu-su ka xtu te ageru wa ogo xtu te ageru wa
ima da ka me ni ama ru hodo no gotisou yodare ga ta re sou
ka xtu te ageru wa ogo xtu te ageru wa
ima da ka namida no hito tu mo na i osae xtu tamage ta
baka na
I'll buy you juice, my treat.
The delicious food that you can't eat is mouth watering.
I'll buy it for you. It's my treat.
Not a drop of tears has disappeared.
Doing useless things between the turns of the washing machine
Rare reservations have also been known.
Damn it, the stone in the shoe melts
The weather is sunny and I am in a good mood.
I'll buy you juice, my treat.
The room is going to be buried because of the gifts that haven't been received yet.
I'll buy it for you. It's my treat.
I will lend you money without stint.
Doing useless things between the turns of the washing machine
I'm used to happiness that I can't have.
Look at it and forget the agreement you just got on the shaved ice rice cake
Nice to meet you.
I'll buy you juice, my treat.
The delicious food that you can't eat is mouth watering.
I'll buy it for you. It's my treat.
Not a drop of tears has disappeared.