

藍色に溶く 鈍色の最適解
思考回路 挑む吐息の証明
純白に問う 漆黒の真実に
前後不覚 眩む常識とAnswer

藍色に説く 鈍色の不純物に
喜怒哀楽 揺れる吐息の証明
純真に問う 極彩の真相に
雲散霧消 とける緋色のクエスチョン

研ぎ澄ませ 研ぎ澄ませ
確実に 確実に
真実だけを 今 録音

平気って 澄ました その仮面を壊したなら
免疫も死んだ 嘘だらけの世界塗りつぶせ
一通も 誰にも 届かないとしたって

耳澄ませ 耳澄ませ
不確実な 不確実な
現実だけを 今 Rec Out

平気って 壊した その仮面を拾って
Fake it 染まった 嘘だらけの世界を正して
一生 誰にも 分からないとしたって

藍色に解く 鈍色の最適解
真実に問う これが私だけのAnswer

Optimal solution of dull color dissolved in blue
Exhale proof of challenging thinking circuit
For the dark truth of winning pure white
Common sense of dizziness before and after and Answer

Facing blue dull impurities
Vomiting proof of swaying emotions
For asking the pure and colorful truth
Disappeared scarlet anecdote

Wash without grinding
Don't miss the goal theory
Practical and reliable
Now just record the truth.

If you break the mask of peace
Immunity is also dead, and the world is full of lies.
A letter can't reach anyone.
The penetrating truth is always only correct.
It's just, that proof

All ears
Don't get the vague theory wrong.
Uncertain; uncertain
Now just put the reality Rec Out

Pick up the broken mask carelessly.
Fix the world full of lies infected by Fake it
It is said that no one knows for a lifetime.
The reality of living always has only the right answer.
It's just, that proof

Blur optimal solution with blue solution
Asking the truth is only my Answer.

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